Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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Chyna watched as Huck and Cotton talked to Cap, resting on the ground as if nothing of the least bit of unease had happened.
Even still, Cap had is firearm ready.
Chyna could hear the sound of hooves and wooden wheels beating against the leaf littered earth.
Brittle tree branched snapping against something as it noisily navigated through the clustered trees.
She went to Huck and Cotton taking them under her arms protectively while Cap stood before them, his eyes narrowed for a moment at the approaching wagon but soon he smiled and slipped his gun back into place.
"Well, took you long 'nough." Cap called to Jon and he and Benny brought the cart to a halt.
Benny held a grin on his face, "We'll take the horses back, you can hitch Pardon up next to the old gelding there. Consider him a gift, I expect he'll be home again soon." Benny said.
"Thanks a bunch, both of ya." Cap said. Chyna let go of the boys to give Jon and Benny hugs. "We'll try an' come back soon as we can. We got things to see to first. Folk to get." She said to them.
"Indeed, tell Iris and thw children I said hello and wish them well. They're more than welcome to come back with you, Clint to." Jon said.
Chyna felt her eyes starting to fill with water. Benny chuckled "none of that now." He said with a wag of his finger.
Chyna laughed at herself, but the truth was she couldn't stop herself and quickly wiped the stray tears away.
"Right, remember - this isn't a goodbye. We'll all see you soon." Huck said brightly.
Chyna gave a nod, "of course" She said. Huck gave her a hug, and then shared one with Cap and Cotton before letting the tree climb onto the wagon.
"Be careful on the road, wear this, keep your hat pulled down and try not to stop if you can avoid it." Jon said passing Cap an eye patch.
"Got it, don't worry. We're as good at layin' low as we are at findin' trouble." Cap said.
Benny's brow knitted together, "I am not sure that should reassure us. Be more careful, word will travel fast that a Hatfield was seen out here." He warned.
Benny tugged at his earlobe, "bounty hunters have an elephants ears."
Cotton's eyes got wide and Huck laughed.
"Its just a saying Cotton Top. No man has elephants ears." Huck said.
Cotton exhaled and smiled "good, how'd he get through doors? Or hol' his head up." Cotton laughed.
"Its safe getting dark, you should go. Get as far as you can before dawn." Benny urged.
"Say goodbye to everyone for us. Thank you." Chyna called as Cap gave the reigns a flick. Cotton waved to their friends until they faded into the shadows behind them.