Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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The rain lasted through the night, neither were sure when they had fallen asleep.
Chyna's groggy eyes looked upon the ceiling. She blinked a few times and sat up.
Looking about she could see no signs of Cap anywhere.
She sat herself up and looked down at the ground.
Covering her mouth Chyna tried to stop herself from laughing but failed to do so.
The roar of hoarse laughter caused Cap to jolt awake. He propped himself off the ground and looked up at her perplexed.
"why are you on the ground?" she asked.
Cap rubbed his forehead which he found to be very sore. "hell I ain't sure, musta fell off the bed when I nodded off. " he said getting up in a sluggish movement.
Chyna chuckled and gently pressed her index finger to the red spot in the center of his forehead.
Cap closed his eyes and groaned at the slightest full pain it caused. "you're gon' get a knot right there in the middle of your head" said Chyna.
Cap grimaced "my hat should cover it up" he said. Chyna gave him an apologetic smile. "but it burned up didn't it?" she asked.
Cap started to laugh silently leaving Chyna confused. "must hit my head hard, I forgot about the fire" he said.
Chyna sat up more as he sat at her side "mayhaps you should visit the doctor " she said.
Cap took her arms in each of his hands. "I'll go if you go too, shouldn't count on no home remedies for these burns" he said.
Chyna fell silent "I can really go into town? " she asked trying to sound far less hopeful than what she was feeling.
But she was tired of being out on the Hatfield lands. She wanted to see more faces, and she wanted to try and find at least one face like her own.
Cap chuckled "if you wanna - yeah" he said. Chyna blushed a bit but nodded.
Cap patted her head and stood up. "gon'go home and change and will be back for you with Ma, Cotton and the wagon " he said before taking his leave.
Chyna washed up fast and got dressed even faster. By that she owned much to choose from.
Chyna stood ready and waited for Cap to come for her. She couldn't stop her inward smile.
Matewan was much smaller than pikeville, it consisted of a general store/apothecary, post/labor office a dress parlor and the whore house.
Even as small as it was, Chyna was still trilled. Only....
No coloreds. Pikeville had a good handful.
Chyna sighed and as Levicy went off to the dress parlor Cap lead Chyna and Cotton towards the doctors.