Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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The kill count had gotten high, and yet the Bounty Hunters kept comming. No one could fully blame them, the collective bounties placed upon the Hatfield men was no small fortune.
"Robert E. Get back here! Give me my letter! He wrote it for me!" Sarah called out. Chyna looked up from the wash. "No, I can't have my sister fussin' over my best friend!" Robert called out.
Chyna dropped the dress back into the soapy water and stood up. Hands on her hips she strode in the way of the children. Robert E. came to a stop. "Get him Chyna! He stol' my letter from Billy!" Sarah tattled. Robert E. glared at his sister.
"Billy?....Billy Dempsey? Ain't he too old for you little miss?" Chyna asked. "Yes! Sarah is 3 whole years younger than me and Billy is two whole years older than me. Meanin' he id 5 years older!" Robert E. huffed.
Sarah crossed her arms "so! Uncle Ellison was lots older than Chyna and Roseanna was a couple years older than Johnsey!" Sarah said glaring. Chyna squinted and bit her tongue. "Sorry Robert E. cant say much to that" Chyna said, "why dont you read it? Might be harmless." Chyna offered. Robert E. opened the letter and read quietly.
A smirk grew across his face "haha, I knew it!" He cheered. "W-whats it say?" Sarah stammered. "Dear Sarah Hatfield. I think you're a real nice girl, but please stop sending me those raisin cookies, they ive my stomach fits, and I don't fancy you that way. But you're real nice - Billy Dempsey." Robert E. read while chuckling. "Thats not what it says!" Sarah shouted snatching the paper away.
Yet as she read it her eyes welled up with tears. She dropped the letter in the grass and stomped on it several yimes. "You're so mean! It aint funny! I hate you and Billy too!" Sarah yelledb she then turned on her heel an fled back into her home.
"Geez, didn't expect that..." Said Robert E.
Chyna ruffled his deep rust colored hair "go anc make it right" she told him. Robert E. sighed and jogged back to the house.
Chyna shook her head and got back to washing.
It took a great deal of time for Cap to talk Chyna into going into town. She hadn't gone with them in a few days. She just couldn't stand it, looking at the burnt ring on the ground were the Shanty used to be. The thing Iris and her family worked so hard for. It had been the only safe plays for miles that served folk like her.
Now the darker populaton of Logan county, be it sparse, had no where to go.
But somehow Cap convinced her, "you know Luella misses you an awful lot, she don't get along well with the other girls, yous was her best friend in the place. Its bad enough Johnsey don't want her let alone-"