Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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She ran through the woods, her bare feet pounding the ground. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest,her breath heavy and straining. Yet still she ran, she could not afford to stop. Tree branches cut and whipped at her arms and legs as her dress was torn shorter than appropriate just above her lower thighs. Behind her she could hear the howling of hound dogs, and the calls of men, jeering at her. "Get back her nigra! Don't care what the law say you're still mine!" Tolbert called out. The girl stopped and look behind her, her coal black eyes frantic, she looked around the forest, which way to go. Closing her eyes she could hear the sound of rushing water. "the river" she thought taking off again, It was risk, abig one at that, it would take her in heavily confederate lands, but she knew that the McCoys would never set foot on Hatfield lands without being in large numbers. She dashed into the water,as the dogs were closer now and visible toher. Two men stood on the other side, "h-help" she called out but her voice was too small and too tired.
The men mounted their horses as if to leave. "P-Please!"She called out louder as she fell ontothe opposite shore. The younger man looked over, he spotted the girl lying on the shore, and His eyes grew large as one of the hound dogs clamped its teeth into the girl's leg. "Daddy!" The man called to his father, the elder man looked up to see what was going on, the young man hopped off of his horse and ran to the girl's side. She frantically kicked her free leg at the dog; however the second hound took her free leg. The young man grabbed the girl's arms and tried to pull her away from the dogs, but it only made things worse. "Cotton stop!" The elder man called out to his son, He lifted up his riffle and in two short blasts shot the canines. The girl fell onto her back and cried. "Damn you Ellison you is done shot my pa's dogs!" Calvin McCoy called out loudly from across the river. "They had no business over on Hatfield hunt a young girl?" Ellison asked calmly leering at them as Cotton helped the girl sit up. She wiped her eyes and looked up at him, he offered her a child like smile.
"Since when you care about coon skins" Tolbert called glaring at the elder Hatfield "I know what side Ifought for,but cruelty is cruelty either way, go on back home" Ellison called out. Tolbert sneer "she's our nigra, mine, ran from us in the night" He called "she ain't no more yours, not by law, go on home, before Icross the river and make you" Ellison said calmly walking over to his son. Calvin & Tolbert went to leave "You're mine Nigra, you hear"He called out; the girl flinched and closed her eyes. Once she heard the two McCoy boys ride off, she opened her eyes and looked down at her legs, tears streamed from her eyes. Large gashes from the canine teeth were carved into her legs, as some chunks where missing. Blood seeped from the wounds and onto the ground around her.
Her feet were raw at the bottom as she had been running for miles barefoot. Her dress torn and stained pink and red from her blood. Her body trembled, Ellison kneeled down before her "I'm Cotton, it's ok, my daddy's runthem off, you'll be safe now,what's your name?" The young man asked her, she looked up at him in confusion, he heldthe innocence of very young child, but looked to be 17 maybe 19 at most, he speech was slow, and soon she understood. "Ch-chyna" she stammered hoarsely, he smiled at her and her eyes wandered to his father Ellison as he walked to their side. He went to gather Chyna in his arms, But she panicked and backed away "You need to have someone look to your legs, My sister in law Levicy, she's good at patchin' up wounds you'll be fine" Ellison said reaching back down to her, He gathered the broken girl into his arms,and mounted his horse. Cotton followed after them as they road away.