Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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"Chyna, wait!" Cap called after her in the cold night. She ignore him qnd kept stomping up the road, arms swining in anger. "You cant go wanderin 'round the dark in that whore house dress, you'll catch your death!" He called running to catch up with her while slipping off his suspenders, he had left his coat back at the bar but he started to unbutton his shirt.
He slipped the shirt off and drapped it over Chyna's cold sholders, it cause he to stop dead in her tracks. She refused to look at him. "Don't be mad, Nancy attacked first." Cap said slowly, he placed a hand on Chyna's shoulder and she was quick to shake it off.
"And why-" Chyna bit her lip and closed herceyes trying to sooth her anger "why were you and Jim there in the first place huh?" She asked in a low whisper. "Aw hell know why." Cap sighed voice full of guilt. "I will hear it from you." She whispered, turning to face him Chyna looked deep into Cap's eyes.
Cap tried to look everywhere but back at her. "You lied to me Cap." She said. "No, no I aint lie - I didnt make no promises." He said quickly. "You aint have too - my trust in you made the promise for you. I asked you to leave Jefferson alone! Now he's locked up and Poor Nancycs got no-"
"He- he aint...he aint locked up Chyna." Cap said quietly, he closed his eyes afraid to look at her. "What?" Chyna gasped a smack rang through the night. The tears behind his eye lids stung a lot more than his red cheek. "You bastard! How could you! You- you-" Chyna stammered.
Cap bit down hard on his tongueb eyes still closed "he killed a mail man Chy....I promise you if we didn't need that reward I wouldnt have- im sorry he ran I wasnt gon' kill him." Cap said quietly. Chyna backed away, the sound of her feet slowly shuffling farther from him made Cap's chest ache. "She's my best friend Cap." Said Chyna.
Head hung low and eyes still closed Cap shook his head. "I didn't mean for Nancy to get hurt. Jim done that, you seen it tonight its hard to stop him. He does what he wants. I swear it, it wasnt scpose to be this way. I was gonna turn Jefferson in live!" Cap said raising his voice.
Chyna watched him, his body shivered as he stood shirtless in the cold night, he folded his arms across hi chest. "I didn't..." His voice trailed off under the shadow ig his shaggy blonde hair Chyna could make out a stray tear.
Clenching her jaw and unballing her fists she sighed. "Cap" her voice calling his name caused more tears to fall. "I'm sorry." He whinned. Chyna went to him placing his shirt back over his shoulders she wrapped a arm around his back and used the other to lean him overb hiding his face in her neck. He held her tight gripping the fabric of her clothes. Relieved by her embrace. "So sorry" he said.
Chyna rubbed his back. "get yourself inside, before you freeze." She said slowly. Cap refused to let her go, he wasnt going anywhere without her. Out of the Saloon Luella's head popped out of the door. "Um, Chyna. Letter for you came in. Forgot about it durring all the comotion. It's from a Calvin McCoy?" She called.