Lambs Last Mercy

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Cap leaned on the doorway, arms folded across his chest

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Cap leaned on the doorway, arms folded across his chest. He watched Chyna go back and forth around Ellison's bed. Carefully dressing the body. Rutherford had already cleaned and prepped it for burial.

”y-you ain't gotta do that. Ma woulda done it for you." Cap said timidly.

Chyna stopped fixing Ellison's collar and turned to face Cap, trying her best to smile. "I wanna do it...beside, he ain't here anymore. It was the pain that made it hard to bare. But that's gone now" Chyna said in a long sigh.

Cap pulled out a brass pocket watch and checked the time. He side glanced out the window and looked over Chyna once more. "You sure you okay?” he asked. Chyna walked away from the bed and nodded. "I will be. Gonna go help your Ma with Cotton and the chil'ren" she said. Cap nodded and rubbed her shoulder. " right, well - I gotta go an' tend to a....promise" Cap said.

Chyna rose a brow at the dark tone in his voice. Shivering inwardly at the dull somewhat frosty glaze that covered his eyes.

"Fine but - are you okay?" She asked.

Just like that the frost melted away and Cap flashed her a goofy smile. "I'm fine, never better. Those chickenshit McCoy boys get their rightful judgement tomorrow mornin'" said Cap.

Chyna nodded and brushed by him before leaving he looked back at him whispering.

"About such....I wanna be there. I want ta see it"

Cap tipped his hat to her "oh I'll make it happen. Don't worry yourself none" he assured. Chyna nodded and disappeared into the house with a flutter of her skirt.

News had reached Tolbert, Pharmer and Bud of Ellison's passing. Each could feel a numbness up their spine.

This wasn't supposed to happen. They were just drunk and things got heated.

Tolbert could feel the eyes of his brothers on him. But he couldn't get them out was to late now. "Popi... He ain't comin back for us i-is he?" Bud asked in a soft whisper.

"Of course he is! Why pa is probably gathering up guys now to ride in. Jim and Calvin with him. He won't let nothin happen” Pharmer roared but while his voice seemed certain, his eyes did not.

"R-right Tolbert?" Pharmer asked.

Tolbert sat stone still. Watching the orange rays of light fading from the gaps between the wood planks. Silent as a church mouse. Mind void of thought and body nearly senseless, he could hardly feel the acidic burn of his empty stomach.

Footfalls clicked up the steps.

Tolbert slowly lifted his gaze to meet cold and slightly amused eyes. "14 hours McCoys" Cap announced in the driest of tones. Tolbert glared at him but remained silent.

"We'll all see about that fog eye! Our Pa's a'comin to get us. You and your kin best ready yourselves!" shouted Pharmer, Bud gave a firm nod in agreement  to which Cap scoffed and walked out.

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