Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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Chyna tried her best to get back to work. the chill in the air made warm white wisps lift into the crisp stark air, hardly visible in the bright light of the day.
Out of the corner of her eye she could see Cap heading down the Hill, she slid her bucket under the cow and took her head on a small wooden stool. "Hi Cap!" Cotton called as he drew up a seat next to her. Cap merely nodded and tipped his hat to Cotton. He pulled his horse to a stop, it pranced in place at the sudden order and shook hits head.
"'Spose you seen Roseanna leave'n" Cap asked, his eyes wandering down the path she would have taken. "I did" Chyna answered working at the cows utters, releasing milk into the bucket.
"ain't you wondering what happened?" Cap asked.
"nope, I think I figured out well 'nough on my own what's gone on" Chyna sighed. She side glanced up at Cap sharply "He ain't right for doin' that to her. Roseanna may be older, but she's still jus' a girl" Chyna said. Cap nodded "I hate to say it, but I feel kinda bad for her, doesn't set well with me. all that trouble for nothin'" Cap said crossing his arms and cradling his rifle.
Chyna nodded "indeed" she said pausing in her work. "Poor miss Roseanna" Cotton mused. Chyna smiled at him briefly. "so you headed up into the hills?" Chyna asked. Cotton nodded. "yeah, Pa's gonna be late but I'm gonna go on up now" He said.
Chyna stood up and brushed her hands on her apron to clean them. "mind taking me up with you?" She asked, turning her head to looked at Ellison's house "Ellison went and left without lunch, left it in the basket on the counter. I need to bring it up to him" She said, she gave Cap a sheepish smile "sorry to trouble you but it still ain't much safe for me to go up in those hills alone" She said.