Chyna had finished boiling the bath water over the fire and had poured it into the iron tub. She then went and checked in on Cotton, he was sleeping peacefully in his bed. Chyna smiled and went to leave out. "Chyna?" Cotton asked groggily, Chyna stopped her steps and turned to look back at him. "yes Cotton?" She asked. He rubbed his eyes and sighed indigently "I had a dream you went back across the river" he said, looking up at her with worried bright blue eyes "you wouldn't leave us right Chyna?" He asked. Chyna gave a soft smile. "no Cotton, I'm here for as long as I am allowed here." she said talking to his bedside. "I ain't setting foot across the river," She said brushing back his hair a bit. Cotton gave a small smile "that's right, she's family now Cot, ain't you?" Ellison's voice called from the doorway. Chyna looked back at him from her seat on Cotton's bedside.
"r-right" She said turned to give Cotton a reassuring smile. Cotton beamed at them as Ellison sat next to Chyna. "get some rest Cotton, we'll be out all day tomorrow" Ellison said. Cotton nodded and looked between Chyna and Ellison grinning. "alright, Night Daddy, night Chyna" He said before laying back down. Chyna nodded "night Cot" she said kissing her fingertip she laid it oh his forehead. Cotton laughed sleepily and did the same to her, and then to his father. Ellison amused shook his head and chuckled "night son" he said as Cotton's eyes started to close. Once Cotton was fast asleep, Ellison and Chyna left the room.
Ellison watched Chyna with low eyes and a closed smile as he went to touch her face as always she flinched. So instead he brushed at her hair. "um your bath is ready, you might need to check the water" She said uncomfortably he gave a silent laugh at her and headed towards the bath. Chyna followed him and went to the boiling water pot where she had set some extra water to heat. Ellison dipped his fingertips in the water "could be a bit hotter" He said looking back at her. Chyna nodded and grabbed the pot off the fire. Going to the tub she poured the water in the length of the bath to make sure the heat spread evenly.
"there, that should be jus' about right now" She said standing upright "it's ready Mons-" Chyna turned and dropped the pot to the wooden floor with a loud clang as she quickly turned her back to a Shirtless Ellison "Monsieur that ain't decent of you!" she called in a flustered shrill voice. Her eyes darting across the wall. Ellison laughed loudly. "really it ain't I was leaving soon, the water would still have been warm..." Chyna said. Her face burned red hot as she listened to no reply but heard the sounds of more clothing coming off. She covered her face with her hands and shook her head "lord Jesus, somebody help me" she thought. Soon she could hear him getting in the water, as soon as she could hear the water setting she turned around hands balled into fists "horrible!" she called out. But Ellison just laughed at her.
"you've seen it before" He said. Chyna blushed more and tightened her fists "I have not" she said her eyes glazed over as she recalled the night Tolbert and Calvin would...
Chyna shook her head "I never looked when they'd..." her voice trailed off. Ellison frowned, of course he shouldn't have brought that up. "look Chyna I'm sorry" he said. Chyna nodded "its fine, can't happen anymore and that I am thankful for" she said, giving him a small smile. She turned and went to exit the room. "goodnight monsieur" she said walking out. Ellison sighed and watched her go.
In the Morning, Chyna waited by the wagon with Cotton, straightening out his collar. "what you fussin' over him for, ain't like the Election day fair is all that much" Cap called heading for them. Chyna turned to him and smiled. "sure it may be casual but, a boy as good looking as Cot here, has gotta look sharp" she said playfully. Cotton blushed "stop it Chyna" he said embarrassed. Chyna smiled at him and patted his shoulder before he hopped in the wagon. Chyna raised her skirt just a bit so that she may climb in as well, Cap quickly jumped in and took her hand, helping her inside before hopping back out. "ah thank you Cap, but you didn't have too" she said, Cap scratched his cheek and looked off "I know but I wanted to" he said. Cotton leered at him a bit and tugged on Chyna's sleeve. "Pa said to tell you he has something he wants to tell you when we get there" Cotton said, "oh really now?" Chyna asked "wonder what that could be" she muttered. Johnse came down the hill with two horses in tow. He handed one reign to Cap. "what you doin' always hangin' round this nigger anyway" He asked him. Cap glared Johnse "Ain't no never mind of yours now is it" Cap said sharply Johnse stepped back and laughed raising his hands in the air. "damn Cap calm down, what's got you in a prickle" He asked. Cap glanced at him before mounting his horse. Cap leered at his brother dully before looking down to Chyna and Cotton. "well I'm off, heading up that way with Tom" He said tipping his hat to them "I'll see ya down there" He said before cantering away. Chyna watched Cap until he road out of sight, giving an awkward wave as he glanced back at her.

The Devils Backbone
FanfictionFanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys. [Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing] Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...