Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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The bath water had run cold, Cap and Chyna still sat together there in the water, keeping each other warm as he washed the remaining soap out of her hair. She couldn't help but giggle silently, his fingers rubbing gently against her scalp, he seemed so content. The murderous Cap Hatfield, was anything but. With a sigh she leaned her back to his chest. His arms wrapped around her and his chin rested on her head.
They watched the lantern flicker and listened to the moaning of the rock that the room was partially built into. "If we dont get out this water...we'll fall alseep here." Cap chuckled. Chyna cracked a smile andlooked up at him "yeah? An' you got all them plans right?" She asked. Cap smirked and kissed the back of her head before encouraging Chyna to get out the tub.
It only took Cap a minute to put back on his cloths while Chyna changed. He reached into his bag and ran a hand carefully across the folded up dress. He was nervous, hoping she'd like it - hoping her eyes would light up the way they had over the necklace.
Cap gazed off into nowhere, it seemed like such a long time had passed since then. Cap smiled and laughed at how jealous he had been over that necklace, to this day she wore it. But he could careless, she made it beautiful and he made a new friend. "You woulda like him Skunky." He thought.
Chyna crossed her arms abd leand in the doorway, sge watched him stand by the table. Cap'sback as turned to her and in hus arms ge craddle something, watching it. Chyna's heart skipped two beats, she shook out her thoughts and cleared her throat.
Cap looked up mildly startled, he flashed her a bashful smile as ge felt all the confidence flee from him and butterflies catch in his gut. Chyna tissed him a tender smile to calm the nerves that were all over his face.
"What is that?" She asked. Cap held the dress up letting it fold out and fall loose. "'ll need this, maybe not now - with all that gon' on. But after." Cap said his tone soft and his gaze serious as he watched Chyna inch closer, her fingers reaching for the lacey fabric.
Her skin brushed the dress, a bright light danced in the back of her eyes, and water welled. "I- you cryin? Jesus i-is it that bad?" Cap sputtered with wide eyes. Chyna covered her mouth and shook her head "I can get rid of it - go get another'uhn if-" Cap fell silent as two tears sliped dowb Chyna's cheeks.
"Its beautiful" she whispered, Cap had to strain his ears to her her quiet words. "Aint nobody never..." Chyna said but her words were choked off. Cap calmed down draping the dress over one arm he reached out with the other and stroked Chyna's head. "Darlin...this here? It aint much." He said, a smile coming to his face as one of her hands gripped the dress fabric "I'd shoot a star outta the sky if you asked me to. An' burn my fingers bottlin it up to give you half the light you give to my worl' - I aint got much now but - I aim to give you all you ever deserved." He said.
Chyna could feel herself blushing and she shut her eyes tight to hold back tears. It wasn't the dress, not in and of it self. Yes it was beautiful, even in its modest simplicity, but rather it was the act itself. He'd moved a mountain to make her feel like a princess - maybe more than just a princess. "You - you're a fool Cap." She choked trying her best to lighten things with laughter bathed in happy tears. She quickly wiped them away and sniffled.