High Alert

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Many weeks had passed and the hard mid of autumn had settled over the Tug River Valley

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Many weeks had passed and the hard mid of autumn had settled over the Tug River Valley. A deep chill was settling over the land and a bright sun shown over valley casting down rays of light tht would imply warmth. Yet it only served to deceive.

But down at te saloon it was warm and lively. Chyna sat in one of the upstairs rooms while Luella helped her into a dress. It was revealing but it as beautiful, a white lacey corset sunk into Chyna's curves and slimed her lines. The shirt falling to her knees was flowy in a faded red.

Luella popped the top off of her lipstick and smiled. "I always like dressin' folk up." She spoke to Chyna applying the red lip paint across her lips. She tilted chyna's head up "to dark for my powder, but a little rouge won't hurt" Luella giggled. After painting Chyna's lips Luella rubbed the lipstck on her fingers and carefully applied it to Chyna's cheeks tinting them in a sublte red.

"Well aint you pretty." Luella hummed stepping back to examine her hard work. "If I do say so my self, why just look'et here." She said, showing Chyna to a vanity.

"Oh my..." Chyna breathed, she gazed at herself in the low amber light of the room. She touched her face and turned her head from side to side. "Its-its really me in there?" She asked. Luella laughed "yeah silly, you aint got a twin livin in the other side." She said. Chyna looked back at her and smiled excitedly. She stepped back to see more of her body in the mirror.

Chyna gave a barefooted twirl, and then swayed her hips from side to side playing with the skirt. It was so light and fluttered about at the smallest of movements. Luella giggled. "Stop playin now, we gotta get them heels on you!" She said. Chyna quickly sat down and held out her feet. Luella slid. Black short heels onto Chyna's feet,  quickly noticing the odd look of the skin, which appeared warped.

"What happened to your feet?" Luella asked. Chyna looked down "theys got burned a long time ago, putting out fires." said Chyna. "I wish I was as strong as you." Luella sighed. Chyna gave a weak smile "I aint much. Theres folk stronger, but bein' strong - it leaves a lot of scars and yoys to pretty of a thing for scars Miss Luella." said Chyna. Luella smiled and slipped on the second heel before standing up.

"You're scars are beautiful Chyna, they tell stories aint no one else have." Luella said. Chyna touched the bridge of her nose and felt around the crook.

"Come on, we gotta go down stairs and stand" Luella said. Chyna stood up and wobbled around on her heels. "Miss Lu-Luella!" Chyna yelped before loosing her footing and falling back. "Oh no!" Luella gasped reaching out she grabbed. Chynas arms to pull her forward. Yet Luella lost her footing and her legs slipped into a bit of a split. "Oh!" She gasped and Chyna laughed now helping Luella stand as her arms held Luella up. The two girls started off into a giggle fit.

"Sounds like fun up there." Cap chuckled faintky hearing the soft giggles mixed in the crowd and music.

After calming down Luella helped Chyna wlk down the hall and stairs. "Just follow me an' you'll be fine" Luella whispered, She then strutted up to the bar with an extra swish in her step. Chyna knew she couldn't walk like that if she tried, so she made her wobbly way behind her.

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