The Begining

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"Sarah you seen Chyna anywhere?" Cap asked as he looked around outside

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"Sarah you seen Chyna anywhere?" Cap asked as he looked around outside. Sarah puffed out her cheeks in anger and stomped one foot. "Darn you Cap! No you don't! You see Chyna alla time! I get to play with Chyna after shecs done helpin mamma! She promised!" The little girl said roaring as loud as she could.

Cap threw his hands up "whoa there!" Cap chuckled. Sarah wasnt amused as she gave her brother a fierce glare, a devils glare, even the smallest of Hatfields had it.

"Im sorry, but look here Sarah it's real important. I can get her to come play tomorrow." Cap reasoned. Sarah wasn't convinced and raise an eyebrow carefully "an hows I'm supposed to know that? Whats so important that you aint had it handled already?" She asked slyly. Cap swore she looked like old wary cat in that moment.

"I-I gotta tell 'er something is all...and ask her something too..." Caps voice trailed off and Sarah broke out into a grin. "Ooooo, You gon ask her to be your lover?" Sarah asked in a song. Cap glared "hey! An who taught you that word, little girls shouldnt be talkin 'bout that -like that!" Cap scolded. Sarah wasn't bothered by his statement "Louise Caldwell, talks about it in all the old books she has. Romeo an Juliet was lovers an' we got that one at the school house." Sarah explained quickly, after all there was more important things to talk about. Things Cap was trying really hard to avoid.

Like she was goning to let him.

"So are you gon' ask her? Means I can play with her more!" Sarah said. "It aint no business of yours Sarah..." Cap muttered. Sarah crossed her arms and smiled a smug smile, a smile that drew her chin up and turned her cheeks into pudgy upside down U's while making her mouth small and scrunched together. Her eyes squinting as if she were all knowing. "Its my buisness if you wanna find her. Otherwise I aint tellin you where she went" Sarah sang.

Out foxed, out foxed by a little girl. Cap watched his sister with a dull gaze. "you're evil Sarah' to be so small" he muttered. "The Devils lil girl says Uncle Jim." She said with pride. Cap gave a long sigh "fine, yeah. You aint wrong. Now tell me where she went." Cap said quickly. It wasnt the way Sarah wanted it, but knowing Cap that was as good as it was going to get.

"Chyna went down to the well, probably on her way back. But that bucket gets real heavy so she is probably still there" Sarah said. Cap nodded and headed off grumbling to himself. He stopped in his tracks and turned back to Sarah pointing at her. "Don't you be hanging around that Caldwell kid no more." He warned, to which Sarah rolled her eyes.

Chyna carried the bucket of water with both hands moving carefully as not to spill any water. Last thing she wanted was to have to go all the way back and refill. A familiar voice hit her ears while she watched her shuffling feet "you look like you could use a hand" Cap called.

In an instant he was at her side. He took the bucket's handle in one of his hands and carried it with her. "You know this is the same hing that broke Jack an Jill's noggins." Chyna giggled. Cap chucked lightly "well good thing we aint goin down a hill, huh?" He asked. Chyna nodded, she still needed to warn the Hatfields about the bounty hunters. However, she wasn't sure Cap should be the one to hear it first. "Best tell it straight to Anse." She thought.

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