Something New

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In the chill of the early morning air, Cap and Chyna stood side by side looking up at an towering iron gate

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In the chill of the early morning air, Cap and Chyna stood side by side looking up at an towering iron gate. They had come up a lonely road with neatly kept green fields, and willow trees and now felt themselves dumbfounded at that loomed over them.

"I..I wanna go back." Chyna murmured, taking a step behind Cap she shivered. She'd  never seen a home so large in all her life. It hadn't  been the traditional  mansion she had pictured.

No, instead she found herself gazing up at what she could only assume was a castle. Or as close to one as she could imagine. A massive home built of brick and stone. Covered in moss and vines that seemed perfectly placed, through the gates were various fruit trees and roses.

Walking about calmly were women of both white and black skin tending the roses at the bottom of a grand staircase that lead to the front door. Some children tossed seeds to a strange brightly colored bird that walked like a chicken but looked like something out of a fairytale.

Cap tilted his neck back so that he might look at the highest tower of the home, his mouth ajar.

Jon hopped out of the wagon and Cotton followed suit. Cotton ran to the gate with shimmering eyes and a excited grin. "Wow! Do you see that Chyna! Do you see it!" He called.

Chyna snapped out of her fearful trance  and scurried over to Cotton. She gently pulled his arm tugging him away from the gates. "Yes I sees it jus' fine. I think we mighta made a mighty  mistake." She said with a frown.

Cap glanced over to Jon who held an amused smile. "I'm  not sure folk like us belong here..." he said to him.

Jon gave a gentle be it slightly coy smile as he walked to the gate and pushed it open. "This is a place for any sort, Cap. Give it a chance, if it feels wrong no one will make you stay." Jon offered.

Cap looked back at Chyna and then to Cotton "I wanna see, Cap." Cotton said flashing the saddest eyes he could muster.

"Its fine, remember just cause something is doesn't  mean it's scary." Cap said to Chyna  his words soft as he touched her cheek.

She leaned her face it the warmth of his hand and nodded. "Ok." She whispered. Cap took hand and then Cotton's before following Jon through the gate.

Two men whom looked to be in their late 30s exited after them and hopped onto the driver's bench of the wagon.

"Be care with the black horse, she's  not as tamed as she seems." Jon called out, one of the men tipped is bowler hat "no worries Jon!" He called.

"Follow me, it's just through the front garden." Jon said leading the way once more. "What is?" Cap asked his eyes wandering  about trying their best to take everything  in.

"Don't  look so scared my dear girl." A woman said with a kind smile, she had skin nearly as dark as Chyna's and kind brown eyes. Across her face was a welcoming smile. "You must be the family Benny told us to expect." She said stepping away from the roses.

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