Chapter Seven

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  "Alright. I will be going." Alan turned around to look at me once more. "You're dismissed Judith. I will call you again if i have to ask more questions."

And simply like that, he left. Was that what cops were supposed to do with the person they were interrogating ?

The door was left open so i could go. But i was frozen on the spot.

The research had begin. It was a matter of possible hours before i would know if they found bodies buried in the mine. It could be days, for all i know.

"Fuck. I have to call Lilly." I moved my hand in my hair.

I had to tell her. There could be a possibility that they would find the body of Jake.

Suddenly, i felt so much more tired than i had been an hour ago. The whole night where i wasn't able to sleep seemed to fall on my shoulders.

I stood up and walked out of the police office. Maybe i should go see her instead. I can use my bike. But i don't know where she lives. Plus, she was probably with the other already.

"What should i do ?" I whispered as i was walking down the underground parking lot to where my vehicle was. Like Alan said, my bike was positioned next to his car. He must have had time to take his works car today. Or maybe he rode with someone else. I don't even know.

Sighing, i put the keys in my bike, putting the helmet that was there too, thanks god, and started the vehicle. I should probably go back to Jessy's first. See if she's still there or not. I'll see what i'll do after that.

The ride back to Jessy's apartment was even smaller than i imagined in bike. Not even five minutes later i was in front of it. Parking my bike and taking the three things i had taken with me, i walked to the door, trying the doorknob to see that is was still open. Great. I breathed hard one last time before pushing the door open.

"Judith ?"

"Yeah, it's me." Putting the helmet on the table in the entrance, i shook my hair to try to fix my hairstyle. "I thought you would have been gone by now."

"I was actually leaving in a minute. I had to grab my purse." She pulled her purse in front of her to prove what she had said.

"Do you want to come ? We can talk to Hannah ! Isn't that great ?"

I tried to smile at her, not wanting her to sense that something was wrong. "It's great Jessy. But i don't think i should come. She technically does not know me." Which was true.

"But you helped find her !" She looked shocked that i would not be coming to see Hannah. It's not that i didn't want to, i just didn't want to face her now.

"I know. I'll see her another day. She must have miss all of you. I don't want to intrude."

"Alright... I won't be long okay ? The hospital won't let us much time with her anyway."

"It's alright, take your time. I'll try to go buy some stuff in the meantime. And i have to thought about what happened with Alan." I still don't know why he didn't ask more on Jake.

"Oh, how did it go by the way ?"

"As good as i imagined. Now, don't let me keep you waiting. Go and see Hannah. Maybe you could say that i hope she recovers well."

She smiled at me, opening the front door. "Will do !" Then she left.

Sighing, i walked to the table, sitting on one of the chairs. I let my face fall between my hands before clutching my fist and pushing my hands to my eyes until all i saw were invisible stars.

Taking my phone, i opened up my conversation with Jake. Still no answer. He was still offline.

Hey, the search party begun. I really hope nothing happened to you.

I had an interrogation with Alan Bloomgate. I didn't say anything to him about you. Just in case.


I miss you so much Jake, and it's not even been a day. What will happen if all of this is real ? If you're really... gone.

We gained Hannah, but at what cost ?

I should stop. It's not going to do me any good. And i said that i would go in town to Jessy. Not sure for what. My clothes are in the dryer so i can put then back on tomorrow. I had decided to go back home tomorrow so i could bring more stuff. Even if Jessy offered me to stay, i couldn't completely depend on her. Not right now.

"Right, let's go see what this town is all about."

Barely sitting that i was already going outside again. Maybe i would go to the lake. See if it's as pretty as Jessy said it was. Or visit the library. There wasn't that much choice. I didn't really know anything about the town, besides some buildings.

Closing the door with the spare key, i choose to stay by foot instead of taking my bike. I would be able to see more like that i guess. Even if i would have to find a station before tomorrow so i could put fuel in my bike to go back home and back here. Maybe i would have to stay a night home too. I don't know. I'll think about it after that.


I stopped in my track as i saw the flower shop where Dan supposedly work for a really short time. Maybe i should buy flowers to give to Hannah. I'll give them to Lilly so she can give them for me the next day, as i would be unavailable. Pushing the door, i was greeted by an older women who was working on a bouquet.

"Hello ! What can i do for you young lady ?" She seemed nice and happy go lucky.

"Hello. Could i have a bouquet of gerbera daisies, irises, camelias and carnations please ?"

"Of course." Her voice dropped but she continued to smile. And i knew the meaning of those flowers too.

Healing, hope, health and an apology.

I hoped that Hannah would heal and get back her good health. But i hoped and apologized for what had happened and what could still happen.

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