Chapter Twenty Six

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I waited until one and a half in the morning before slipping outside. Jessy was fast asleep when i passed her bedroom door, and i didn't hear her make a noise when i closed the front door behind me. And when i was in my car, i thanked the lord for making it nearly silent. I wouldn't have been able to start my bike quietly is i didn't have my car too. Motorcycle were just too loud for discretion.

Well, here i go to my fate. I started the motor and left the apartment. I had road to do. And i would have to try and go as fast as i could because i wouldn't have that much of time. Two hours to go and two to come back. Or, i would have to lie again and come home later, with breakfast, saying i got in town to buy it, praying that Jessy believe me.

I didn't realized it the first time, but driving in Duskwood at night was like driving on an endless road. It's not that i didn't liked that, but it was confusing when you could never see the end of the road, even with the headlights flashing.

Fortunately, i never had an accident while driving. It would be a shame if i did and never got the answers to my questions. Parking my car on the side of the road, making sure i wasn't on the road anymore in case another car would drive pass there, i stepped outside. Not that i encountered that much cars here anyways.

I clicked the button on the flashlight that i had brought with me, because i would most certainly not walk in the forest without seeing anything. I got hurt enough in the broad sunlight, so i would not take my chance in the dark night.

I was walking slowly, making sure i was not stepping on something that could make me fall on the ground. There was a tons of mosquitoes and i wanted to leave this place just because of that. But i would only leave when i knew what was that location about.

"Fucking hell. Couldn't whoever it was, choose another place ?" I said, moving my hand in front of me to the insects that were flying near my face. "I hate it there."

Suddenly, i heard a twig break. I turn around, flashing my light. To see nothing. I stayed quiet, looking around me. But still, nothing happened. But then again, i'm in a forest, there's going to be animals in here.

Biting my lip, i turned around again and start walking once more. I never heard anything more after that. I just kept walking, a bit faster admittedly. And after some times, i noticed that there was less trees in the area, until i reach a spot where only a couple of ones were there.

"What the fuck."

My flashlight was lightening the area really good. So i was able to see the car that was parked there. How did it got here ? There's another way to come here ?

I turned around myself, looking for a way to come in. But even if my flashlight was good, i couldn't see more than a few meters away. The car was easily noticed because there was nearly nothing here besides a few trees.

I took a breath and started walking to the car. If there was a car, there was someone here. Tightening my grip on the flashlight, i walked slowly the few meters between me and the car. The windows looked like to be tainted. Looking one more time behind me, i turned back to the window and leaned down. I couldn't see anything, and it wasn't because of the tint. There was no one inside, i would see at least a shape if so.

I was ready to move when i heard another sound. Now i was formal, there was somebody here, right now. I was sure that it was steps that i heard.

"Who's there ?" I said, stopping myself from screaming. My hand was shaking and so was the light. "If it's some kind of joke, i swear i'll call the police !"

I don't know why i told that, because i would most likely never call them, but well, in a moment of panic, you can say anything. Still, no one answered. Obviously.

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