Chapter Forty Nine

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Telling Jessy and Dan about how Jake was erasing me from the government, had been easier than i thought. After some time i was even starting to think that Dan was starting to warm up to the idea of Jake being a good man. Which was a lot to say. And with some pleading, they agreed to wait a bit to talk with the other about that little detail.

Fortunately, nothing happened to me. Or to Jake, as far as i know. We were actually waiting for Alan to send any news about his meeting with the guy from the government. It had been a good hour since the meeting was supposed to happen. And we still didn't have any news from Alan. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.

"Do you think they'll believe him ?" I asked Jake. We were somehow on a video call. Jake had said that it was safe do to, but he still took the liberty to put on a face mask, just in case something would come up.

I watch him nod his head. "They should. Alan was supposed to bring pictures from the USB card i gave him. Plus the names he can give to them. It's enough proof per say. Enough for them to believe him at least."

"I see." I said, biting my bottom lip the second after. "Do you thing we have a chance ? To win over them ?"

Jake looked at me for a second. "I believe so. We have more than enough proof against them. Alan is just our legal way for them to get the files. So to speak."

"Okay. I'm a bit anxious about the outcome." I finally said, bringing my knees to my chest. I was calling him on my computer, so it was easy for me to angle the camera so he could still see me.

"I am too Jude. But all will be fine, i promise." He said, probably smiling because his eyes closed a bit. They tend to do that when he smiled.

"I believe you." I smiled too. "Oh by the way, it's not related to this and i forgot to tell you but, i decided to stay in Duskwood ! I'm looking at apartments."

"You're staying here ? What about your home back where you live ?" He asked, probably confused. I could understand why, i never talked about that.

"It doesn't matter. I have nothing that could keep me there. I can find a job here. I have no family there nor really any friends that i could call close. I'm okay with coming here. Plus, i'll be close to my real friends and most importantly, you." I said, winking my eye to him.

"You're going to fluster me, stop it." Jake said, hiding a bit behind his hand, before looking back at me. "But, you do know that you could live with me ? I mean... only if you want to ? I'm not saying you should. It's just a proposition."

He was definitely blushing.

"Would you even be okay with that ? I know you like your space too."

"I do. But i like you more, if i'm being honest." He said, scratching behind his ear.

"Well, i can't say that i found something interesting so far. So if you're okay with that, maybe we could try it for a short period and see if we like living together ?" I tilt my head.

"That seems like a good idea, yes."

"Judith !"

I looked up to my door, seeing Jessy barged in. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Jessy ? Why are you screaming ?" Well, she hadn't screamed, more like screamed whispered.

"There's someone creepy at the door !" She quickly said, walking and sitting on my bed.

"What ?" I felt a shiver run down my spine. I quickly looked to Jake in my screen. He seemed to have heard what Jessy said.

"What did he looked like ?" Jake asked me, because Jessy couldn't ear what he was saying. I had earphones on.

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