Chapter Thirty Five

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"Are you alright ?"

"I'm fine. Just a bit shaken up. I never thought it could be that... I don't even have a word to describe it." I said to Jake. We were in his car, Alan had left a few minutes ago after shaking Jake's hand.

"I know. I'm sorry you had to listen to it." And he really did look sorry. But it wasn't his fault. It was the government's.

"It's alright. I wanted to stay, i know it wouldn't be a happy discussion." I just didn't know it would be this much.

Jake nodded his head, still looking at me. He had once again took off his mask. I was happy that he felt comfortable enough to take it off when i was with him. I sighed and let my head fall on the headrest behind me.

"Are you tired ? I can drive you back to Jessy's apartment."

"No. I mean, yes i'm tired, but i want to stay a bit more with you. If it's possible ?"

"I do not have anything to do other than making sure i never encounter my pursuers. We can have a bit of time." Jake explained. I nodded my head and kept looking at him.

"I'll probably tell the other i found you when i come back. They'll understand fast enough that i'm not looking anymore everywhere i go."

"I would come with you but i'm not sure if that's what you want to do."

"Technically speaking, would you be able to ?" I asked. I would want him to be with me if he could. At least when i would be telling Lilly and Hannah. But i didn't want him to be in any kind of trouble if not.

"I could make it happen. Like i said, i'm not particularly busy with anything. I would just have to be careful with where i would be going."

"If it was Jessy's apartment ? At night ? Well, not the night but when it would be dark enough ?"

"Do you want me to come with you ?" Jake looked at me, putting his face on his hand that was resting against the door.

"I wouldn't be against it ? I like being with you. And honestly ? It would be kind of badass. Saying i found the famous wanted hacker. Well, you contacted me technically, but ! I found clues." I said, pointing my finger to his chest, jokingly. He smiled and bent down to kiss my wrist for a fraction of seconds.

"You can be proud, my little detective." He smirked, watching as i felt my cheeks warm.

"Stop it, you're going to make me blush."

"You get to tease me but i can't ? That's unfair Jude."

Oh my god. He would be the death of me.

"Stooppp." I smacked him against his chest making him laugh slightly. "You can't do that."

"Alright, i'm done teasing you. But seriously, do you want me to go with you ?"

"I know i ask that a lot but, you're sure ? You can show your face to them ?"

"Sure. I already showed it to Alan, partially. And if i had to choose, i would say that i trust your friends a little more than a police chef."

"They're your friends too, even if you don't realize it."

"I do think some of them appear to not like me. But that's alright. Not a lot of people like me."

"I like you."

"That's all i need." He smiled sweetly, stroking lightly my cheek with the back of his hand. He was always touching me like i was some kind of fragile masterpiece. But strangely enough, i wasn't bothered by that.

"Would it be weird of me if i asked you to spend some time with me ? I do want to keep talking with you but a car is not comfortable."

"We can spend some time together, sure." I said, smiling to him. "But where ?"

"I actually have an apartment, you know ? I just never mentioned it."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wouldn't it be dangerous for you ?"

"Not more than me being here in a car. It's a bit outside of the actual town. Not by much, but a bit further away." He explained, starting the motor. "Do you want to come over ?"

"I never thought you would be able to ask me that, seeing the situation. But, yes, of course. If you're sure that it's safe."

"I'm sure. Do not worry." He patted my head before starting to drive.

I was going to see Jake's home ?

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