Chapter Sixty Three (Final)

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TW : TALK OF BULIMIA/ANOREXIA (slight, really just mentionned)

That's it. This is the final chapter of this fanfiction.
I do have to say that i really liked writing this story. A lot. Duskwood became one of my comfort game quickly after i found it. And i became attached to all the character, even more of Judith. When i first created my story and my character, i never thought it would attract people and that people would actually read it. But it makes me happy that some of you seems to enjoy it.
So i would like to thank you all for reading my fanfiction until now.

See you again one day i hope !


  "Do you ever think about your life before that ?"

"Not anymore. Do you ?"

"Yeah. More than i would like too."

"Do you want to talk about it ?" Jake asked, leaving his computer to focus on what i was saying.

We were in Jake's bedroom. Mine too, maybe. I had moved my few things to his apartment from what i had brought to Jessy's one. We were going to go and take the rest of my things from my old apartment in a few days. I had called my landlord and scheduled a meeting for when i would leave.

"I moved out of my parent's house when i was barely nineteen. They seemed to think that having a bulimic daughter was too hard for them to take care. So i left. They didn't actually try to stop me."

"I'm sorry to hear that." He said, taking the spot next to me, where i was resting on the bed.

"I left and eventually i got into therapy and crap. But well, you know it. It worked, a bit too much, and i suddenly fell into anorexia. That's when they finally cut ties. If i couldn't beat a mental illness, i would be a shame to the family." I whispered. It didn't affect me now, i didn't really care anymore.

"You're not a shame. You know that right ?" He asked, stroking my cheek with the tips of his fingers.

I let him do, simply nodding my head. "Of course i do, now. But back then i was just a mess. I did heal with time, a lot of it. And that's when they resurfaced. Suddenly i was good enough for them to ask me how i was doing and when i would see to take the family business. Suffice to say, i didn't talk with them. They probably got sick of waiting for me and left."

"Did you saw them again after that ?"

"Hm, one time, i think. I was leaving my university and saw them with some friends of them, if i remember correctly. They were talking about how they didn't have any children. Kind of hurt like a bitch at first, but then i noticed that i never had parents either. Parents shouldn't treat their child like this."

"They seem like they aren't the best people in the world. I would have felt bad, hearing them say that. But then again, my father never acknowledged me and my mother died."

I never knew that. And part of me was really sad for him too, but the other part was also glad that he trusted me enough to talk about them.

"I quickly forgot them, kind of. That's when i started switching types of studies. I lost a lot of friends, if i could call them that. What i'm trying to go at, is that, i'm actually so glad to be here, in Duskwood." I said, putting my head near his. He kissed the side of my head and let me continue rambling.

"I'll have to admit, we all got to know each other in a weird way. Getting a text from Thomas because Hannah had disappeared, was weird, but then i got to know all those bunch of people. Dan, Cleo, Thomas, Lilly, Hannah, Jessy, Phil. And Richy. Even Alan. And most importantly, you." I turned a bit to be able to look at him in the eyes. I smiled a little when i saw a faint blush on his cheeks.

"I'm happy to have meet you too Jude. I never thought i would meet someone like you. Someone that i would love so much."

"I love you too Jake." I pulled up a bit more and gave him a small kiss on his lips, smiling after that. "Being with you has been such a good time, even with all the other things."

"So you don't mind leaving your old life where you were living ?" He questioned.

I shook my head to him. "No, i don't mind. I actually think that living here, in this small town, will be better for my health than in a big city. I grew to like Duskwood at some point, even if the town was a bit creepy at first. With the legend and all."

"But then, turns out it was really just a legend. Not the real thing." I felt him tighten his grip around my body when he said it.

"Yep. I kind of believe it at some point. Richy... did a pretty good job at bringing the legend to real life." It felt weird to actually talk about him. But it felt good too. Maybe i should go and visit him again.

"He really did. I was starting to believe it too. And i'm pretty hard to convince."

"Me too." I said, quickly giggling after that. "I remember the first time we interact. I was so suspicious of you ! When you used you voice changer and was kind of hiding in the dark ? Yeah, totally suspicious."

"Hey, you still trusted me in the end. Not so suspicious anymore then ?" He giggled too.

"I guess you're right. I actually trusted you fast enough. I don't know, you actually felt like a really safe person. Maybe it's just me, i wouldn't know."

I stayed a bit quiet after that, simply enjoying Jake's warmth and presence. Now that the affair with the government was done, we had more time for us. And more time to relax.

"When i was in the mine, i kept thinking about you. What i said that day, i still remember it like it was yesterday. It's the first time i ever used the word 'love' to describe a relationship. And even if i never said it before, i am sure it was something i felt way before this day." Jake said with his voice barely above a whisper.

"I cried that day. I thought it would be the last day i would ever talk with you, that i would never be able to see you and tell you how much i loved you."

"I'm sorry you had to endure this Jude. If i could go back in time and do all i could so you wouldn't have to suffer, i would." He said, stroking his hand on my arms.

"It's alright, i would never hold this against you. You did all you could to save Hannah. You didn't even know about Richy yet. You couldn't have save him too. He had decided to end it all, it was his decision. Nobody could have changed that Jake." I said, turning on my side so i could look at him clearly.

"You're right, like always." He smiled.

"I learned from the best." I did too, putting a small kiss on his nose.

"Did you ?"

"Hmhm." I leaned back up and pushed my lips against his. I liked how every time we kissed, it was always with softness. Like Jack was scared i would break under his touch. Like i was scared he would disappear again.

We pulled back and Jake quickly pulled me in a hug.

"Do you think we'll be able to be happy now ?" I ask him.

"I think so. If i have you by my side, i'll always be the luckiest man ever on this planet. I don't need anything else."

"Aww, you're so cute. I feel the same way too."

I heard him giggle, making me smile. I was so lucky to have him and the rest of the group.

And as i laid there, inside Jake's warm embrace, all i could think about was that everything had changed. My surrounding, my habits, my friends, my family. All of it had changed in such a short time.

I never felt as happy as right now, here, between Jake's arms.

It's not the same anymore.


Thank you for reading "It's not the same anymore", it's been a good time. Hope you enjoyed it as much as i did.

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