Chapter Thirty Eight

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  "Then you technically only half found him ?"

"Thomas ! Don't say that !" Hannah hit his shoulder, making him wince.

"What ! It's true because he texted her !"

"Actually, if Judith hadn't found my secondary phone, i would never had been able to fully contact her. So she did sort of, found me by herself. As she was able to track the phone in question."

I smiled to Jake, sticking my tongue out to Thomas. "I did a good job, thank you very much. I would like to see you looking for something when you don't know how."

"Judith's right, you can't criticize something you can't do yourself." Hannah talked again.

"Right. Sorry."

"It's alright, i'm not mad. I know what you were trying to say. Admittedly, i did do a good job, i think."

"You did. You could be an investigator." Cleo said, smiling lightly. She hadn't talked that much tonight, but then again, she wasn't really close to Jake in any way.

"No thanks. I wouldn't enjoy it that much. Too much stress going on there." I joked, waving my hands in front of me.

"If Alan didn't help you, why did you meet with him ? Or was it a lie ?"

"Nope, not a lie." I looked to Jake who nodded his head. "I won't go into details, but we're working onto something. Jake, Alan and me."

"What ?!"

"Wait Hannah, before you kill me, it's actually a good thing."

"What are you doing with the police chief ?" She asked.

"Probably getting themselves killed."

"Thanks Dan, but no. Without going in details like i said, we're trying to get a bit more freedom for Jake." I explained, shutting them all.

"What's that supposed to mean ?" Lilly asked, raising an eyebrow. "Is he working for you ?"

"Not really ? I can't fully explain but we know things that he don't. By giving them to him, he could arrange things so Jake would be able to live without having to go into hiding every so often." I explained, tapping my finger against my cheek. Because without telling the full story, i didn't exactly know how to say things.

"We should be able to explain more once the right time as come." I giggled when i heard the sentence. Because it was something Jake liked telling me. He looked at me and smiled. "It should be soon enough."

"I suppose we won't get more context ?"

"Nope. Sorry guys."

"It's not dangerous, right ? You're not in danger ?" Hannah asked, and i wasn't sure if she was asking me or Jake.

"Huh, i don't think so ?"

Jake cut me. "She will not be put in any danger. Should the situation turns south, i would do my best to protect Judith from it."

"I don't need protection Jake." I didn't, not really. Plus, the FBI had nothing against me. I couldn't really be in any kind of problems. "Plus, i would do Alan's life a living hell if something were to happen."

"Right. He didn't seem happy to speak with you."

"Judith is annoying him." Jessy giggled. She knew i was giving him headaches.

"I gathered that much, yes."

"It's not my fault. He's just too fun to anger. I'll stop one day." I pushed my face on Jake's shoulder, smiling. We were both sitting on the carpet.

"So, what now ?"

"Now, we wait."

"Oh. I meant to ask, you two spend the day together ?" She was sipping her wine and maybe she was a bit drunk.

"Yeah. Jessy you're gonna be proud of me. I got some sleep too !" And maybe i was a bit drunk too.

"Yeyy !"

"Alright, i think we should stop here. You drank too much Jude."

"I'm celebrating." I wasn't drunk. But maybe drinking without eating much and without much sleep, wasn't the best idea i had. "I'm just happy you're here." I said, smiling to him.

"I think we should get going. I don't really want to see Judith and hackerman make out." Dan said, draining his last glass.

"Hey ! I think they're cute."

"Jessy, you think everything is cute. Last time you saw a rat and said it was pretty."

"How dare you Cleo ! It was cute." Jessy said, standing up.

Thomas handed Hannah her jacket while she was smiling at the situation. It must have been hard, being without her friends for some time.

"Dan, you're not driving."

"Hey ! You have one accident, one ! And everybody think you'll crash again. That's not fair."

"I can all drop you off, it's alright. You'll just have to pick up your vehicle tomorrow Dan. You don't live that far from here."

"Maybe i just don't like walking."

I was already hugging Hannah and Lilly goodbye, and weren't listening Dan's conversation that much more.

"Thank you for finding our brother Judith." Hannah said, whispering in my ear.

I pulled back, smiling softly at them. "You're welcome. I'm glad that he's back with us. Realer than ever too."

After one last hug from them, they quickly hugged Jake harder than they had done to me. Jake just smiled and patted their backs. I knew he was still working on showing his real emotions. It was cute, seeing them happy and hugging.

After some time, the whole group left. We were only us three now. Jessy, Jake and me. I was leaning on Jake, practically asleep. His arm was behind my back, hand resting on my hip.

"Would you mind showing the bedroom you stay in ? I'll accompany you there."

"Sure." My voice was quiet and i was really feeling like i would sleep for a hundred time. It was like, now that i had Jake at my side, i could finally rest.

I walked to the stairs, followed by Jake that was staying behind me, maybe in case i would fall down them. Like i said, i wasn't drunk, i was just really really sleepy. I had actually missed a few steps in my past because of insomnia.

Once in front of the bedroom's door, i opened it and left it open for Jake to come in.

"Should i let you change first ? I can leave the room."

I took a shirt and a sweatpants, looking at him. "You can stay, just turn around. I know you wont peek." I smiled to him, watching him turn around.

I quickly change clothes before walking to him. I sigh and hugged him from behind. "I wish you could stay."

"I wish that too. But Jessy would not like that. I'm still not certain that she can even stand me." He said, turning around and letting his arms fall around my sides.

"She knows you're a good guy." I let my head fall on his chest listening as i could hear a faint heartbeat. "She's just mad at me because i didn't tell her first. It'll pass."

"Hm." He took my hand and walked me to my bed. I sat down, pulling him to my side with me.

"I'm tired." I said.

"I know. Lay down."

I did as he told me and laid down. He pushed back my blanket over me and bend down to kiss my head.

"Hm, love you..."

I barely heard him saying the same before i fell asleep.

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