Chapter Thirteen

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Hannah cried for a long time. And i think that she cried for all of the things that happened. She cried for Richy and how we lost him. She cried because she had been scared, because she thought she wouldn't see any of her friends or family ever again. She cried because she was alive.

And i couldn't blame her. If i was in her shoes, i would cry too. And it didn't bother me that she hugged me and cried until she couldn't breath.

Eventually, she stopped making any sounds and just laid there, in my arms. I was still stroking her back from time to time but i wasn't talking anymore. I thought she had fallen asleep when she started to talk again, making me jump slightly because i wasn't expecting her to talk.

"What about Jake ? You said he was in the fire too. How come he was there ?"

"Well, it's a bit complicated. I'll try to make it fast. When you disappeared, i was brought into your case. Jake contacted me and helped me gathered leads and answers about you and all this story. I understood that you were important to him so i helped. We learned a lot of things, including why you were so important for him."

"But he didn't love me back then. Why would he now ?"

I pulled back and looked at her. Biting my bottom lip, i decided to tell her the truth. Or at least half of it.

"Jake found something, back when you were talking and he stopped talking to you because he understood that you had feelings for him. But i think that it should be better if it was Lilly who tells you that."

"Lilly know about Jake ?"

"We all do. I mean, we all know Jake. Only Lilly and me know about what happened back then, don't worry."

"Alright, i'll ask Lilly about it."

I smiled at her, nodding my head. I already told her about Richy, which was hard. It wouldn't have been harder to tell her that Jake is her half-brother, but Lilly is her sister. I shouldn't say it for her.

"What happened to him ?"

"That's the thing. I don't know. He was in the fire. I was supposed to go there but he refused and decided to go there himself. Which i said no, but well, he's Jake. I called Alan Bloomgate yesterday, only his backpack and flashlight were found. No traces of a body or whatsoever."

She nodded her head. "That's good then."

"It is, at least i think. But i don't know more. I don't know if he's hurt or not. Or if he got taken by the FBI. As much as Alan worked with them, they don't actually work together. Or if he knew something, he didn't tell me." I whispered between my teeth. I sure hope that he's not making a fool of myself.

"And how can i help ?"

"I wanted to track his phone, but i am to assumed that he probably lost it if he escaped or it was taken away. And tracking something is actually harder than it sound. Do you have any idea of where he could have got ? If he were to escape ?"

"I don't know. It's been so long since we had a real conversation Judith." She looked down to her hands.

"Nothing at all ?" I asked again.

"He never told me where he was staying, not even saying much about him at all. I just knew that he could hack things."

Well, i wouldn't go anywhere with that. But it was as expected. Jake was always careful about what he said. Even i, only knew some things about him.

"Alright, it's okay." I smiled at her. It wasn't but well, i couldn't blame her. "I should get going. Jessy will probably send someone to look after me if i'm outside for too long." I joked, making Hannah smile.

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