Chapter Fourteen

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I got home after that. Jessy was home, doing some cooking. since i had come here, she did the cooking at lunch. I did the breakfast and we were working together for diner or just ordering take out.

"What are you making ?" I said after sneaking out behind her.

She jumped and lost her spoon in the plate before turning around. "Judith !"

"Sorry, i just had to." I smirked, looking at her as she fished her spoon. "So ? What are you making then ?"

"Mac & cheese. Hope you like it."

"I'll survive."

She laughed a bit and focused again on stirring the pot. I shook my head before going to the cupboard and taking two plates out. After placing them on the table, i grabbed the cutlery.

"Here i come !"

I let her walk passed me, putting the hot pot on the table. It looked and smelled good. I sat down as she filled her plate with it. Taking the spoon after her, i put the mac & cheese on my plate.

"Judith ?"

"Hm ?" I looked up to her. While waiting for her to talk i filled both of our glasses with water.

"I don't want to be invasive but can i ask you something ?"

"Of course."

"Well..." She grabbed her fork, putting a little bit of food on it. "How come you never eat that much ? You absolutely don't need to answer that of course ! But i noticed that you always eat less than the other and sometimes you don't even finish your plate."

Ah. I put down my fork, looking at my plate.

"You don't have to answer !"

"No, it's okay. I actually had an eating disorder before that. Or multiple i guess. I got from binge eating to anorexia. I'm still learning how to eat properly. I still have time when i struggle to eat." I smiled. It wasn't a happy smile, but i came from far away. "I used to binge eat a lot when i was younger. Some things happened and i stop doing that. Anorexia took the lead for a year or so before i started to be better. It's been a two years but it still feel like it was yesterday."

"Oh. I'm sorry for asking. I didn't want to make you remember."

"It's okay. Like i said, i'm better now. So don't worry if i seem to not eat that much. I do eat, just maybe not as much as you all." I said, putting a fork of mac & cheese in my mouth.

Jessy nodded her head and started eating again. I finished all my plate, sensing Jessy that was looking at me from time to time. We were washing the dishes when i said something.

"I want to go back to the Ironsplinter mines."

"What ?!" Jessy lost grip on the glass she was cleaning and fortunately it didn't break in the sink. "For what ?!"

"I want to go back to the Ironsplinter mines."

"No, no, i understood that. But for what ?!"

"I hope to find something there. I can't do anything here and waiting is making me go crazy. I can't stop thinking about how Jake could be in danger or hurt somewhere."

"I'll go with you then. You can't go alone."

I waited before speaking again. "You don't have to. I saw the scenery and it wasn't pretty. I don't want you to see that."

"I can't let you go alone Judith. We'll take a boy with us. Dan can come."

"Alright. But i'm not sure if Dan will want to. Plus he just got permission to stop using the wheelchair not two days ago."

"Believe me, he will take the car to Ironsplinter if he wants too. Dan's like this." She laughed.

I believed her. Dan never did has he was told. It's not today that he will start to listen.

"You can go text him or something. I can finish washing the dishes alone, don't worry."

"Alright." I let my towel down, walking to the stairs.

Let's call Dan.

I waited some times before he finally picked up his phone.

"Finally i thought you would never answer me Dan Anderson."

"Have to make you wait for the best man in the entire world, you know."

"Not sure if i agree with that, but whatever fits you i guess." I laughed a bit. I liked Dan.

"Yeah, yeah. So, to what do i own the pleasure of you calling me ?"

"Are you free this afternoon ?"

"Well, well. Are you asking me out ? Because i'll have you know that as much as i like you, you're not my type. I like red head better." He said, laughing too.

I smirked. "Sorry to break your dream but, i'm not calling you for that. I need help."

"So, what's going on Sherlock ?"

I would never tell him that but i liked that nickname. "Well Watson, you're probably not going to like it but, i want to go see the mines."

"The mines ? Are you kidding me right now ?"

"Nope. You don't need to come. Jessy just thought you could come with us." I knew that by mentioning Jessy, i was gaining points so that he would come. I'm a genius.

"Wait, Jessy's coming ?"


"We're going together. She asked me to ask you if you wanted to come. I won't stay long. I just want to see if i can't find anything about Jake."

"You know what i think about hackerboy right ?"

I sighed. "I know. But please Dan, i really don't need to hear it right know. Are you going with us, yes or no ?"

"Yes, yes, i'm coming. Damn, it's only because i like you a little bit."

"Me or Jessy ?"

"See you at one !"

And then he ended the call. I laughed, shaking my head slightly. He would never change.

"Jessy ! Dan's coming with us ! Be ready for one in the afternoon !" I shouted from my bedroom.

"Okay !"

I really hoped i would find something. Anything, even just a tiny lead.

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