Chapter Fifty Six

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  "You have to come with Jake. He's the only one who's able to certified that we caught the good guys." Alan said, for probably the third time.

"And i'm telling you, i won't come with him if you're not sure that it's safe !" I continued to argue with him.

We had been going for a good fifteen minutes now. Alan had called the day after, not the night of yesterday like he had said, and asked that i came to the government with Jake. Which i didn't want to because we couldn't be sure that they had caught all of them and that it was safe.

"Why are you making the choice for him ? He's a grown up, he can choose whatever he wants. You can't make a decision for him for the rest of your time Judith." Alan said.

I knew he was right, of course i couldn't do that for the rest of my life. I knew Jake could choose himself if he wanted to go. But that's the problem. I knew him. He would go there. And i was scared of that. If something went wrong, he was directly where they wanted him to be.

"Listen Alan, i know that. Really i do. But if Levoy doesn't ask me directly like i said he would, i'm not going. Neither is Jake." I said.

"Can you just talk with him ?" I heard him sigh. "I know that you just want to help him, but you also have to trust other people Judith. You can't just decide what's going to happen all alone. You need people with you." He said.

I sighed too. "I'll call him. Do you want me to make a group chat call ?" I asked, already clicking on Jake's icon. I had the speaker on so i would hear well enough. Jessy wasn't home, she wanted to spend the afternoon with Dan and Cleo.

"If you can."

"Everything's possible." I grumbled, clicking on the little phone next to Jake's name. Not even a second later, he picked up.

"Yes ?" He simply said. I found it funny that he never ever responded with a 'hello' or anything of that sort.

"Alan's with us. They want you to come to the government to testified that they caught the good guys." I directly explained to him. "Alan wants you to and i don't agree with him."

"We talked about this Judith. You can't choose for him. So, Jake, what do you think ?"

I was going to kill Alan Bloomgate. Jake didn't say anything at first, making me think he had left the call without us knowing. But soon enough, he talked again.

"I understand your concerns Jude, but i think it would be beneficial if i did go there. I know that you're worried, but i was prepared for this moment to happen eventually. I can't expect them to free me if i don't go to them first."

And i understood where he was coming from. But i had the tendencies to worry a lot. Especially for things or people that i liked. And liked isn't a strong enough word to describe how i feel for Jake.

"I'll come with you then. You can't expect me to leave you alone to go there. I don't care what they say or what they do. I helped you from the start, i want to be there for the end too."

"Then it's settled ?" Alan asked. Some noises where heard on his side. He was still in his office it seemed.

"Yes. I will go there." Jake responded to him.

"And i'll accompany him. You're telling Levoy that we're coming. I'm not speaking to him if he can't keep his word." I know that it was immature to be upset that he didn't call. But he should have. I shouldn't be told that they are expecting Jake, by Alan. That's something he should have told himself. But then again, what did i expected ? He's the leader of the government. He probably don't care about things like this.

After that, Alan hanged up, leaving Jake and me. I didn't speak to him at first, not because i was mad, but because i was scared to say something i shouldn't because i was worrying about him.

"Everything is going to be alright Jude. You do not have to worry so much."

"I just don't want to lose you or anything." I sighed.

"I know. But i also know Levoy. He's not as bad as you may think. But, i can comprehend why you are worried. I'll be careful and you do know that i'm able to escape easily. If needed, i can run away again." He said.

"I'll run away with you." I said, smiling a bit.

"Let's hope we don't need to." I could hear a smile in his voice too. "Back on the topic, when are we going ? Alan didn't say anything."

"Hm, whenever we want i guess ? We're halfway thought the day. So, i guess we should go soon ?"

"Sure. Should i come and pick you up or so you want to go alone ?"

"Come pick me up, i want to be with you when you arrive there." I said, standing up to pick a jacket in the wardrobe.

"Alright, i'll be there in thirty minutes approximately."

"Okay. See you soon, drive safely."


After that we hanged up. I sighed once again. I really hope that everything will be alright. Because if not, i would go crazy. Going downstairs, i sat on the couch, waiting for Jake to come. I couldn't even pass the time with Jessy as she was not here. But still, i should text her to say where i'm going. Taking my phone in hand, i typed Jessy's icon.

Hey Jessy, i won't be home when you come back. Don't worry about it, i'm accompanying Jake to the place i went last time with this guy from the government.

We're hoping that everything will go smoothly and that Jake will be free soon. I'll see you tonight, i think.

I'll text you when i'm getting out.

Putting my phone in my purse, i waited. I hated waiting when i was anxious. It made me feel nauseous.

Not even thirty minutes later, a knock on the door was heard. I slowly got up and checked the peephole. Jake was on the other side of the door, wearing a mask. I quickly opened the door and hugged him. He hugged me back and pressed his hand on my head, bringing me closer to his chest.

"It'll be okay. Trust me." He whispered in my ear.

I nodded against his chest before pulling back. I turned around and closed the door with the key. We then quickly got to Jake's car that was parked just in front of Jessy's apartment.

Once in the car and after looking one last time to me, Jake started the car. His hand quickly found mine for a second to squeeze it with his own. I tighten my grip and took a breath.

In a few hours we would know if there was a chance for Jake to be free. Or not.

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