Chapter Forty Three

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"Hello Jude." Jake said, smiling at me. He wasn't wearing his significant sweatshirt. Instead he was wearing a black t-shirt.

"What..." I quickly entered his apartment, taking him by the wrist. "You have tattoos ?! I mean, i do too, but you ? Why did you never told me that ?"

Both of his arms were nearly covered in tattoos. On one arms were a bunch of flowers, that were really pretty and detailed. A sort of moon with a sentence at the bottom of it attracted my attention. I let my fingers traced it and some of the other under Jake's gaze.

"I guess it is something that i should have said too ? With me being able to ride a bike."

"Yes ! They're... really attractive."

"Does that mean i am too ?" Jake asked, leaning on the wall while i was still running my fingers on his right arm. "Where are yours ?"

"Of course you're attractive too, with or without tattoos." I answered him, looking back to his eyes. I shook my head a second before turning my back to him and pushing my long sleeve shirt up my back. I had a snake wrapped around a dagger there.

"God..." I heard him say before i felt the tip of his finger running down my back. "I understand now."

I pulled down my shirt and turn to look at him. "See ! It's attractive !"

"You were right, i surrender." He said, putting his hands in evidence. "Shall we go in the leaving room ?"

I agreed and took his hand in mine, walking us both to the couch. I sat down, pulling Jake next to me.

"So, how are you faring ?" I asked him. And i knew he understood what i was really asking because he answered right.

"I actually have hope for the first time in my life since i had to stay in hiding." He said, softly playing with my fingers. "Maybe i will be able to live a normal life."

"I hope you do." I gripped his fingers with mine. "I can't wait to spend more time with you, once all of this is gone."

"I want to too. I thought about a lot of thing, i would want to do with you, if i'm being honest." Jake said chuckling a bit.

"Like what ?" I was curious about the things he thought. I had thoughts about that type of stuff too. A lot of them.

"Well, i would like to be able to take you to a restaurant for example. I would reserve a table at the Black Swan maybe ? Or any other fancy restaurant you want. We would spend a lovely night eating and talking. Just enjoying each other's presences. Then we would come back home and enjoy the night some more."

He didn't need to explain more. Because i was already thinking too much about it. It would be so good to be able to spend a night like this. It's not that i didn't like how we were spending our time right now, but it would also be nice to go outside.

"How does that sound ?" Jake asked me, looking down at my face. His eyes were shining a bit.

"That sound amazing..." I breathed.

We just looked at each other for a few seconds. Jake seemed to be so focused, like i was the most valuable thing in this world. And maybe he was mine too.

"Would it be okay if we kissed ?" He suddenly asked.

"More than okay." I said, whispering my words.

Jake bent down a little, stopping a few centimeters from my lips. I could feel his breathing against them, making me want to just kiss him myself. Fortunately, he crossed those centimeters, connecting our lips. It was only now that i remembered it was only the third time we ever kissed.

Jake was kissing me slowly, putting all of his love for me. At least that was what it felt like. I pushed my lips against his, doing the same. His lips were surprisingly smooth and all of his moves were done with sweetness.

I moved my hands to the back of his neck, pulling back a bit. He sighed pleasantly, his eyes still closed. His forehead moved to lean against mine while my hand closed itself on the hair that i could feel under my palm.

"Kissing you is like heaven." He whispered slowly, opening his eyes to look at me. "I could probably do that every couple minutes."

"You do know that i have to breath right ?" I giggled.

"Yes. That's why i said every couple minutes. You can take a breath between them." Jake said, with a smirk.

I shook my head, laughing a bit. Putting my hands on his cheeks, i kissed him one last time for a second or two, before looking at him once again.

"You little genius"

"I'm your genius. Am i not ?" He said, tilting his head a bit.

"Never thought i would see the day where you say something like that." I laughed. "But yes, you are."

He chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "Jude."

"God. I should have never told you about my nickname."

"I know you like it when i call you that."

"I do." I smile a little. "What were you going to ask ?"

He didn't say anything for a few seconds before he talked. "You can say no, obviously, because i understand that i am not totally safe to stay with for the moment. And i am about to ask you something a bit selfish, but..." He seemed to hesitated.

I simply stroked his cheek with my thumb, asking him silently to continue what he was going to say.

"Would you spend the night here ? With me ?" Jake finally asked.

I didn't answer right away. Not because i didn't want to, but because i never thought Jake would be the one to ask that kind of question. At least that's what i thought.

"Like i said, you can say no. I just thought i would ask."

"Hey." I looked right in his eyes, smiling. "Of course i want to spend the night. I would be more than happy."

"Are you sure ?"

"I am. Don't worry. You can be a bit selfish too sometimes. Plus, it's not really selfishness if the other person wants it too."

"You are right." He said, pushing my hair back a bit. "Thank you Judith." He laid a small kiss on my forehead, making me melt a little bit more.

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