Chapter One

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  Stopping my bike on the sidewalk, i took my phone from my pocket, unlocking it. No message, nothing.

« Fucking hell. »

It can't be happening. It can't.

I'm not even thirty minutes away from Duskwood and don't even know where the waterfalls or the mine are. It's not on Jake's map. Apparently it's not that far near the forest. Obviously. Thanks internet.

Putting my phone back in my pocket, i start my bike again, driving slower than before. I'm in a small town that i don't know. Let's be careful at least a little.

I was riding slowly and looking around when i spotted it. There was smoke not far from where i was. Really, really bad smoke.

« Oh no. Oh no no no no. Richy don't you dare do that to me ! »

I sped my bike, riding until the edge of the forest before letting it fall down on the ground. I didn't care anymore. I ran as fast as i could, my lungs burning from the effort and the smell of smoke i could now scent. It's not until i reached the small amount of people that i realized what had happened.

It burned. All of it. In ash. Flames were still burning some of the leftover of the mine.

« No... No ! »

I started to run near the mine, only to be stopped by a set of arms.

« Miss, i need you to calm down. You're not allowed to go any further. »

« Let me go ! I have to go there ! »

« You need to calm down. Or else i will need to use the force. »

I turn to look at the cop that had grabbed me. Not that i would know him. And grab his jacket where a big ‹ FBI › could be seen.

« Was there anybody in this ? ! »

He grabbed my hands to pull them down before answering to me. « No search party was deployed yet. the fire is still going. »

I knew he was being professional but i just wanted to let go and ignore him. I just wanted to know if Jake was safe, dammit ! Then, i remembered.

« I want to talk to Alan Bloomgate. Lead me to him. »

The man seemed unsure, but started to walk in a direction, pulling me with him. Not very professional. Not that i care much for the moment. Until then, i started looking around me, quickly spotting a girl wrapped in a blanket a bit far from here. Hannah. So she really was safe. I was happy of course, but not as much as i thought i would be.

« M. Bloomgate, someone wants to talk to you. Should i let her ? » He asked to a man who wasn't facing us.

I knew he didn't know what i looked like, and admittedly, i didn't know what he looked like either. I watched as he turned around, letting his eyes fall on me. He was younger that i thought he would be, maybe in his forty. Blond hair and blue eyes. Some small wrinkles at the corner of his eyes could be seen. Dirt was on his face too, as expected from a mine.

« And you are ? »

His voice was also deeper than on the phone. Or maybe that was because he was so far down that his voice didn't seem the same.

« I think you know who i am, right Alan ? »

His eyebrows furrowed before looking to the guy next to me. « I see. You can leave us now. » He shook his head to the FBI agent before looking at me and silently telling me to come with him.

« What are you doing here ? »

« Did you see someone with you down there ? » I ask him directly, not answering his question.

« I rescued Hannah Donfort inside the mine. But you already know that. »

« I'm asking you if you saw someone else ? ! Not Hannah, i know that Hannah is safe. Did you see anyone ? Besides her. »

« I saw no one. »

« Fuck ! » I shoot in the bin that was on the floor, letting it roll on it's side. We were beneath a small tent where a table had been put with two chair.

Alan took me by the shoulders, looking in my eyes. « Was there someone else ? »

« It burned ! I-it fucking burned down to the ground ! » I started to stuttered, cursing again under my breath. I pulled my hand to my face, trying to fight back the tears i had been holding all those hours. « It burned... »

I couldn't help but keep repeating the same words again and again. It was like my mind had completely shut down. I couldn't think about anything else, i couldn't speak anymore, couldn't even stop the tears that were now rolling down my cheeks.

Jake was inside the mine. Richy was inside too. They both were. And now, everything is just... gone.

They're gone.

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