Chapter Fifty Five

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You and Phil should meet.

It would be funny :)

I was still outside when i texted Jake. I had left the Aurora a few minutes ago and was now back at the Blackwater Lake. It was one of the calmest spot in Duskwood. Being a small town doesn't mean that it's a quiet one. I looked back down when i heard my phone.

Why would you think that ?

I don't know, just a thought. My boyfriend meeting my brother by alliance. That could be fun.


You're not jealous anymore, right ?

I am not, not anymore. I just still do not really like Phil.

He's pretty nice now actually. I'll arrange a meeting sometime soon :)

"I guess i can't stop you, unfortunately."

I jumped and turned around.

"What the fuck are you doing here ? You scared me." I said, putting a hand on my chest.

He just smiled, walking a bit more to me. "Sorry, i thought i could surprise you." He said, sitting besides me.

"As it's a good surprise, i won't say anything." I said, putting my head on his shoulder.

"That's good then. So, you went to see Phil then, i gathered ?"

"Yeah, i stopped by after..." I didn't finish my sentence.

"After ?" He tried to look at me but i kept looking at the water of the lake.

"I went to see Richy this morning."

He stayed silent for a bit, and i did too.

"I'm sorry i couldn't help him Judith."

I pulled my head back and watched him. Shaking my head, i took his hand. "You're not responsible for what happened. You couldn't know that he would start a fire into the mines. It's not your fault that Richy died. It's nobody's fault."

He nodded his head and slowly moved his hand up and started to stroke my hair. I let him kiss the top of my head before returning against his shoulder.

"We should do a picnic here when all of this is finally settled." I said to him.

"Hum, i'm not against the idea. It would be appreciated to finally be able to enjoy small things without hiding." He responded, humming a bit. I liked how we talked like we were sure that all would go smoothly and Jake would be finally free.

"In the meantime, do you fancy a trip to Hannah's place ? I feel like she would be happy to see you. I can ask Lilly to come too if you want ?" I asked, turning to him.

He seemed to think before agreeing. "I can move a bit more freely, strangely enough. It either means that i'm good at hiding or that they lost my track after the fire."

It was probably because of the fire. The FBI had looked for Jake when it happened, but right after they couldn't locate him and probably thought he could have died there too.

"I'll text Lilly and Hannah." I said, taking my phone in hands. I quickly made another group chat for the two girls and me, because it would be more practical and started typing while Jake looked at me.

Hey girls ! Fancy meeting up ?

Against what i believed, they actually texted right away.

Sure ! I'm doing a recipe of cupcakes that Cleo gave me, you two can come at my place then ?

I'm free, i'll be there in five.

Me too ! More like in ten, but i'll be there, see you soon :)

"All good, we're meeting at Hannah's place because she's making cupcakes." I said to Jake.

"I do hope she learned how to cook. I remember her telling me she burned some eggs once when we were a bit younger." Jake said, shaking his head while smiling.

"Let's hope she did then." I giggled, standing up followed by Jake. "How did you come here ?"

"I took the bus. They're not as strict as other ways to travel. Plus, it was early this morning so i didn't need to care about much people being there."

"Great ! You can come with me, i have my car this time." I said, excited. I was always to one in the passenger seat. Now Jake can be too. "Don't worry, i'm a good driver."

"I sure hope. I would like to stay alive to see the government go down." He joked. I laughed a bit and took his hand, bringing us to my car.

The car ride had been funny. Contrary to what i thought, Jake liked to sing along the radio. It was fun to hear him sing along some of the songs that were playing on the radio. We couldn't sing too long because it only took around ten minutes to go to Hannah's apartment, but i sure will arrange some longer ride.

Hand in hand, i pressed against the doorbell, signaling my presence. I turn to look at Jake. "Are you nervous ?"

"A bit. I didn't saw them after the time at Jessy's apartment" Jake said.

"It'll be alright, don't worry." I said, the door opening at the same time. Lilly was behind the door, her eyes lighting up a bit when she saw Jake.

"Jake ! You came too !" She said, rushing to hug him. I giggled a bit, looking as Jake was still a bit hesitant to give her a hug.

"Jake's here ?" I heard Hannah said from inside the apartment. She quickly appeared, wearing a purple apron.

"I thought i could bring him with me." I said, smirking to her. She smiled and hugged me before going to Jake and hug him as well after Lilly let him go.

"I'm glad to see you Jake." I heard Hannah say to him.

"I'm glad to see you both too." He responded.

"Well, shall we go inside ? It's not that i don't like you all interacting, but i do believe some cupcakes are being made ?" I said, tilting my head to Hannah.

"Oh crap !" She seemed more aware and turned to go back inside.

We all smiled and got inside the apartment. Soon enough, the smell of cupcakes engulfed the room.

"Are they burned ?" I asked, leaning on the wall of the kitchen, looking as Hannah was taking a tray out of the oven.

"They're not ! Surprisingly." She said, putting them on the table. They didn't looked burned or messed up, which was a good thing. I looked to the side and smirked to Jake. "We're safe Jake."

"Glad to know that." He quickly replied. Lilly watched us strangely, crooking her eyebrow.

"What are you implying ?"

"Jake told me the time when Hannah burnt her eggs." I said.

"That was one time !" Hannah told us, taking the oven glove off her hand. "I never burnt them again, Lilly tell them !"

"That's true. But you did burn the noodles once too." Lilly said, giggling a bit. I followed suit and smiled while Hannah seemed outraged by what Lilly had said.

"I am chocked you would think i'm a bad cook." Hannah said, putting a hand to her chest dramatically.

"It'll pass, don't worry. It's not because you can't do one thing that you're bad at other." Jake said jokingly. Hannah took a hand towel and threw it at him. I laughed and watched as Jake seemed to think about what had happened.

For some time i just watched them interact. It was like they knew each other from the beginning of their lives. Like nothing had happened, that nothing had kept them apart.

Crossing my arms, i smiled at them. I liked having them around. They were like another family too, in a way. It felt good, being able to spend some time, just appreciating the minutes we could relax.

I saw Jake turn his gaze to me and extend his hand to me. Smiling again, i took it and let him pull me to his side.

Yeah, it felt good to be with people you loved.

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