Chapter Twenty Four

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Richy's funerals had been horrible.

From the first moment when we arrived and saw people crying, to when they lowered him in the ground where everyone was sobbing.

The funerals had been between family and friends. The fact that Richy was the kidnapper of Hannah hadn't been made public yet, the authorities would wait after the funerals to announce it. Which was a good thing. There had been a few tabloids that knew that Richy had at least been with Hannah in the mine. But fortunately, Alan had been here too with a few cops. Probably to try and protect at least a minimum the moment.

I remembered having to fully support Jessy's weight when they lowered his coffin. She was crying so much i thought she was going to make herself sick. But it didn't happened. Richy's father, that i had never saw, walked to her and hugged her, crying too. With the little information i had, Richy and his dad weren't always on the best terms. But i guess loosing your child would make you cry, even if you fought with him sometimes. I understood that Richy's mother wasn't able to work anymore at some point. She wasn't there. I didn't ask why.

The whole group had been there. Hannah too. She wasn't angry at Richy. Of course, she was sad about it, but not angry. And i understood her. I wasn't angry at him either. He tried to bring justice. Admittedly, it wasn't the best way to do it, but well, i understood at some point.

"Hello miss Tolis."

I turned my body around, facing Alan Bloomgate. When is he going to understand ?

"I told you again and again, it's Judith. Not Tolis."

"Right. How are you faring ?" He asked, bringing his cup of water to his lips.

We were now at Richy's dad house. They had organized a gathering for Richy. I was at one end of the room, looking silently at the people who had been there. Jessy was with Richy's dad, so was Dan. His arm around Jessy's shoulder. Hannah and Thomas were on another side, talking. While Cleo and Lilly sere near a table.

"You should ask that to his father, not me." I finally say, looking at the ground.

"But i'm asking you. Not just about Richy." He raised an eyebrow at me.

I sigh. "Could you leave that alone ? I'm not talking to you about my problems."

"Listen, i mean that in the nicest way but you're going to get in trouble."

"Am i not already ? You snark at me every minutes you've got."

"You're technically not. I just know some things that i should probably not."

I didn't like the way he was talking. "Maybe you should stop investigating on me then. I never asked you to talk to me."

"Did you find him ?"

I stopped. Why is it that every time i see him, he ask about that. For all i know, he's not friendly with the FBI.

"What do you want ?" My tone was hard and cold. I wasn't going to let him trick me. "You shouldn't ask that type of questions at a fucking funeral."

"Should we go outside then ?"

"As if it would change anything." I leaned away from the wall, throwing my cup in the trashcan near a table. From my peripheral view, i saw Hannah watching me.

Once outside, i walked to the back of the house like i knew where i was going. Alan was walking behind me, silent.

"Do you have a micro ? Or are you going to threaten me ? Maybe ask me for a coffee again ?"

I saw him roll his eyes before opening his jacket. If he had a micro, it would be visible under his shirt.

"I've got nothing, don't worry."

"Right. What do you know ?"

"I shouldn't say that but i know about the hacker. I know that he went missing."

I stayed silent. I wouldn't agree or disagree.

"Don't worry, i didn't got this information from you. It's something i heard."

"And what did you hear inspector ?"

"I'm a chief."

I shook my head in disbelieve. Even the noble Alan Bloomgate could be offended by a little trivial thing.

"Anyway. I heard that a wanted hacker was missing and that he was possibly in bad shape. He was also wanted by the government and that the FBI couldn't find him anywhere."

"Why are you saying this to me ?"

"I thought it would interest you, that's all." He made a move to start walking away when i grabbed his wrist.

"Why ?"

"Because i'm not a bad man."

"He's not a bad man either. You have to understand that Alan. He. Is. Not." I nearly regretted saying that. But i wanted him to understand.

"And i don't think he is."

What ?

"What ? Why are you looking for him then ?" I was confused by that.

"I'm not. I just think that everyone should have second chance. I never said that the government was all white. If he's wanted by them, it's probably because he found some things that were never meant to see the light of the day."

That's... exactly what happened. At least, i think so.

"I'm not going to help you find him in any way, mind you, but after everything that happened... Let's just say i like helping people. And i think you already have enough to worry about."

I was surprised that he never tried to ask anything more. He was actually pretty nice about the whole thing.

"That's... unexpected."

"I know. Well, i'll be going then. Goodbye Judith." He nodded his head politely before leaving.

I watched him leave for a short time. He must have come inside to say goodbye to Richy's father because i couldn't see him for a few minutes before he got to his car and left for good.

"What the fuck happened..."

"Judith ?"

I turned around to find Hannah in front of me. Alone for one time.

"Yeah ?"

"What are you doing here alone ?" She walked to me, tightening her jacket around her. It was cold today.

"I... had a conversation with someone."

"With Bloomgate ?"

"Yeah. I thought i saw you watching when we left." I finally say. I had been right then, she was watching me.

"Yes, i saw you two leave the room and i was wondering why."

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad. He... actually talked to me about Jake."

Her eyes widened. She walked closer to me and whispered. "He knows about Jake ?"

"Yes. But like i said, don't worry. He doesn't have any malicious attention. He said something to help me ? I guess ? I'm not entirely sure, but it was definitely not a bad conversation. I don't think he really wants Jake."

"How do you know that ?"

"It's not the first time that he asked me about him. But he never really questioned me. And today he said that the FBI was looking for him but they didn't have any lead."

"He told you that ?"

"Yeah. I was surprised too. But i really think he doesn't care that much about Jake. Even he, knows that the government have some bad parts." I said, patting her shoulder to reassure her.

"So he's safe ?"

"I mean, i wouldn't go and say all that we found to him, but he's not our main problem about Jake. The FBI is. Let's go back inside, the other will probably wonder about us." She agreed and i turned to walk back to the house.

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