Chapter Sixty

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Hello, sorry for the late updating. I wasn't and still do not feel well, but thought i should still update here at least once. I do not know when the next chapter will be but i'll try to update again this week.
So i hope you can enjoy the chapter, thank you for understanding.


  "Move Jake !"

"I am sorry but you do seem a little bit angry. And i do not want Jude to be harm." Jake said, extending his arms jokingly in front of me.

"I'm not going to murder her ! I just want to strangle her a little bit, that's all !" Jessy said, trying to walk passed Jake.

I squealed and hide behind Jake. "She's going to get me Jake !"

"Okay, okay ! I'm stopping." Jessy finally said when Jake took her by the shoulders.

"Maybe you can kill me after that. I have some big news Jessy." I said, trying to stay serious. I could see Jake shaking his head while smirking.

Jessy crossed her arms on her chest and raised an eyebrow. "What is it ?"

"Jake's finally free ! He won't be chase anymore !"

Jessy screamed and threw herself at me, hugging me tightly. She then grabbed Jake who looked surprised and pulled him in our hug. I giggled and wrapped my arm around Jake's waist, pulling him in. He awkwardly put the arm that wasn't around me, lightly around Jessy shoulder.

"That's awesome guys !" Jessy screamed in our ears.

"Yes !" I responded tightening my hug on them.

"We have to tell the group !" Jessy said, pulling out.

"We planned on it yes." Jake said before me.

"Does that mean you can hang out with us too now ?" Jessy asked him.

"Yes, i believe so. As i am not wanted anymore, i am free to move however i want. Which is pretty nice."

"That's amazing. I'm really happy for you." Jessy smiled to Jake. He awkwardly returned the smile and moved a bit closer to me.

"So, should i text the group ? It's too late to hang out now." I said, pulling out my phone. "Or i can ask them to meet tomorrow ? That could work too." I said.

"It would be funny to meet up all together." Jessy said.

I turned to looked at Jake. It should be him who should choose. He nodded his head before speaking. "We can arrange a meeting, if you want to. I'm not entirely against it."

"Okay, i'm sending a text to them, wait a second." I said, starting to type on my screen.

Hey guys, i would want to meet up tomorrow morning, if you all can ? Nothing bad happened, i promise :)

Jessy's phone made a noise right after i sent it. Some more were heard from her and my phone when the other responded. I leaned near Jake so he could see my screen.

"I should add you after that. I can't right now because they'll know it has something to do with you and i want to surprise them as much as possible." I said, looking up at him. He smiled and nodded, focusing his eyes on my screen once again.

Hannah's asleep but i'll tell her tomorrow.

Sure, as long as it's not the afternoon. I have an appointment.

Ten in the morning ? We can meet up in that park near the flower shop ? I found it when i bought flowers for Hannah.

Works for me, i have work only the night.

I'm down too. I'm bored anyway. Can't hit the gym for another two weeks.

Good ! Jessy can too, so i guess we'll see each other tomorrow then :)

"So that's done. What now ? Do we eat together ? Or are you going to starve me to punish me Jessy ?" I said, putting a hand on my forehead, dramatically.

She shook her head while laughing. "You're allowed to eat don't worry. I'm cooking, you too can go upstairs if you want." She winked.

"We're not doing anything ! You all have to stop this please." I said, taking Jake's hand who was smiling too. "And don't laugh with her ! She's going to believe the opposite of what i'm saying Jake !"

"I'm not laughing, i promise."

"You are." I said, dragging him upstairs with me. I left the door open behind us so Jessy would not worsen her fantasy. "Alright, you can't side with Jessy. She's the little sister who's hyperactive half of the time. If you side with her, you two are going to kill me." I explained to Jake who was clearly laughing at me.

"I promise to always side with you." He said, putting his right hand in the air.

"You're still laughing ! I'm not believing you." I crossed my arms on my chest.

"Are we having our first couple argument ?"

I looked at him. He was smirking and looking at me too. He suddenly shook his head and stepped to me. Putting his arms around me, he dropped his gaze on me.

"I assure you i would rather side with you for anything than with anyone else. You'll always be my first choice, do not worry." He talked in a soft voice before putting a small kiss on my forehead.

"You're lucky you're cute and that i love you, mister." I finally said, putting my face on his chest.

"Am i forgiven ?"

"For the time being."


We stayed a bit like that before we decided to go and sit down on the bed. I was sitting next to Jake, hand drawing invisible lines on his own hand.

"I bet you Hannah and Lilly are going to cry. Hannah more. She's very emotional, i think."

"Yes, she is. I remember her being so when we first met."

"They're going to be happy to finally be able to spend time with their brother. They must be waiting for that."

"And it's thanks to you that they will be able to do so. You helped me more than i would ever have asked for. I will always thank you for that."

I raised my face to look at him for a second. "You don't have to thank me, i already told you. I'm happy i got to help you, it wasn't a bother. And i want to live happily with you and all the other. That way, we're going to be able to do what we want."

"I sure hope so. I lost too many years."

"You did. I hope that you're going to be able to catch up for all those years."

"If you're with me, i will be able to do anything." He said, with a serious voice. "I'm glad i got to meet you, even if it wasn't in the best circumstances."

"I'm glad too. I would still have my boring and depressing life alone if i didn't. Which is... not very interesting, to say the least." I said.

I giggled when Jake pushed is lips on my forehead. I liked when we were able to just enjoy a short time just relaxing. And now that Jake was free, we could do that anytime and everywhere.

It felt incredible. Being free.

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