Chapter Thirty Seven

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  "I shouldn't be this anxious. You're the one meeting them !" I was literally shaking with anxiety, sitting in Jake's car.

We had spend the day at his apartment and soon enough we got to enjoy one of our promises with some good Chinese food that we ate while smiling. But at some point i had fell asleep on him. Which was embarrassing enough even if Jake didn't mind. And now here we are, a few meters away from Jessy's apartment.

"I do actually feel anxious too. I'm not used to meeting that much person at once."

"I know that it's going to be okay. They know i'm looking for you and that i would find you some days. They just don't know that today's the day." I said, twisting my fingers until Jake took my hands.

"I'm not scared of them, neither should you. You're all friends." He said, smiling to me.

"Alright. Let's just go. I won't leave this car if i don't go out now."

"I trust you. We'll be fine." Jake took his face mask and put it one. He would be taking it off once he would be inside of the apartment. Even if we had to walk only for a few steps, it was better safe than sorry.

We got out of the car and walked to the door. Once in front of it, i stopped and whispered to Jake.

"Wait, i'm going to send a text to know if everybody's here." I pulled my phone out. I had asked everyone to be here by eight p.m and it was nearly half past that.

Is everyone here ?

Jessy answered immediately. She always did that.

Yes, we're waiting for you now. Are you nearly here ?

I didn't respond. I would be walking past the door in a second so there was no need.

"Alright. Are you ready ?" I asked Jake. He nodded and squeezed my hand that he had took. He liked holding hands.

I took a breath and opened the door. The entrance wasn't visible from the living room which was a plus. I immediately turn to look around and signal Jake to stay here, like we had agreed earlier.

"Judith ? Is that you ?" I heard Jessy ask.

"Yep, i'm coming, wait." I didn't leave her a moment to come to the entrance and walked to the living room where everyone was sitting. Hannah, Lilly and Cleo on the couch, the other on the carpet.

"Hey. How are you all ?"

"That's the first thing you ask ?" Oh oh. Jessy was angry.

"Jessy, please don't kill Judith. We know how she is." Thanks Dan but what does that mean exactly ?

"Listen. I told you i was meeting with Alan."

"Yes ! And don't tell me that's where you've been all day !"

"Maybe you should let her talk Jessy." Cleo put her hand on Jessy's shoulder, trying to ease her.

"Note to myself, i should never anger Jessy." Lilly joked, looking to Hannah who was smiling a bit. Glad they could have fun while i'm internally dying. I bet Jake finds that funny too. They're related.

"Okay, okay, you'll be able to scream at me all you want after tonight Jessy. But please, please, let me talk."

"You won't escape. But fine, go on."

"Thanks. So, you all know that i'm trying to find Jake."

"That would be an understatement, but yes." Dan chuckled, sipping something from his glass.

"Exactly. Well, something happened."

"What ? Did Alan told you something ?" Thomas asked.

"No. That's... a story for a different moment."

Cleo pushed her glasses back up before speaking too. "You found some clues then ? But that doesn't explain why you spent the day outside."

"No, no. Listen. I found something yes. But that wasn't today. I just had to take care of something before i could tell you all."

"What is it ?" Maybe my anxiety was contagious because now Hannah was looking at me with a frowned face. Lilly had her hand on top of hers, probably trying to calm her.

"Okay. You can't scream. And i mean it. The walls are thin, we don't know what could be heard. Don't. Scream." I know i was making it like i would be bringing some sort of exotic animal, but i knew them. They are loud.

"What did you find Judith ?" Lilly finally asked. I didn't answer to her immediately.

"Wait here, i'm coming back. Let me handle this, alright ?" I turned around, not letting them fully answer. I walked to the entrance where Jake was leaning on the wall, listening to our conversation.

"Are you ready ?" I whispered extremely low for only him to hear. He nodded his head and stood back up straight. I took a breath and took his hand to calm myself. I had to remind myself that it was actually a really good new. I was just scared it would bring troubles to Jake. Which it should not, but well.

I walked back in the living room, bringing Jake with me. All of the group was silent, just watching me.

I swallowed against nothing in my throat and explained. "I found better then some clues actually. Well, here goes nothing. Guys, this is Jake." I pointed to him with one of my hands, tightened the other around his, feeling him responding by doing the same.

Hannah was the first to move and stood up. "I-is that true ? Is it really him ?" She asked, stuttering a little.

"Yes Hannah. It's really him."

"Oh my god !" She abruptly walked to Jake, taking him between her arms. He let go of my hand to hug her, looking over her shoulder to see Lilly standing up too. He silently opened one of his arm, sending her the message that it would be okay if she wanted to hug him.

Lilly quickly reach them, letting her body collapse against Jake and Hannah. They were all three hugging like it was the last day of their life. Hannah and Lilly seemed to be silently crying but i couldn't be sure. I, myself, had tears in my eyes because i was just happy for them.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, making me turn around. Thomas and the three other were standing behind us.

"You really found him ?"

"I found him two nights ago. I didn't tell anyone because i wanted to be sure it was safe enough to do so."

"Why didn't you tell me ? I would not have said anything." Jessy asked me, crossing her arms sadly.

"I know Jessy but..."

"But like Judith said, she wanted to make sure i would not be in trouble. If i had been, i would never have been able to come here today." Jake finally said, letting slowly go of his sisters. "Do not blame her."

"Well, that's definitely hackerman. He's the only one who would act like that with Judith." Dan said, laughing.

"Judith can defend herself. I was just stating a fact. But yes, it is really me." He moved so he would be a bit closer to me but still close enough to Hannah and Lilly.

Lilly turned to me. "How did that happened ? Three days ago you hadn't found more." I could see that see was confused. They all were.

I smiled, passing my hand behind my head. "Well, it's kind of a long story guys. We should sit for it."

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