Chapter Twenty Five

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Like i said, i stayed home for two days after that. Jessy seemed happy about it so at least this was great.

But now, time to look more. During those days, i tried to open the encryption on the files on the SD card. But i couldn't do it. I never knew that Jake was that good. I mean, i knew it, but it was really impressive to see it in real time.

I was actually trying again when my phone rang to alert me that it had receive a notification. Without looking away, i screamed at Jessy.

"Jessy ! Could you please bring me my phone ? It's on the kitchen table !"

"Sure !"

She quickly brought it, handing the phone. "Thank you." I said, unlocking it.

Huh ?

Some type of notification popped up with a timer. For a minute i got scared and looked back at Jessy but she had already left to go into her room. Taking a breath, i opened it to be faced with a series of numbers. It took me a couple of second before i understood.

As quickly as i could, i opened up a note in my computer, typing the series of numbers. I finished typing as the notification disappeared. After some times i understood that it was now completely gone from my phone.

I stayed silent, looking at my screen. Was that...?


I have to stay focused. It could have been an error or a simple pop up ad. But still, i couldn't stop thinking about it.

What if it's Jake ?

But then again, what if it's not ?

Sighing, i pulled out a tab in the devise i used to track the phone i found. I'm pretty sure that it's some type of coordination.


If i can trust what i see, it's in the middle of nowhere. Approximately at two hours from here. One hour and a half from the Grimrock waterfalls. It couldn't be a coincidence.

I was going there.

But i couldn't do that now. Jessy would know and would be against it. And i didn't want to bring someone with me. As selfish as it was, there was still a chance that it could be a ploy to have me. And if it was really Jake, i wanted to meet him. And talk with him. Alone.

I would wait for Jessy to fall asleep. That means i would have to wait until at least one a.m. Maybe more. She usually fell asleep at eleven. Then i would have to wait for her fourth stage of sleep, the REM, where she would be the deepest in her sleep. That usually happened ninety minutes after falling asleep. So one a.m at minimum.

"What was it ?"

Speaking of the devil.

"Oh nothing, it was just an email confirmation from a thing i did." I smiled at her. I was feeling a bit guilty for lying to her. But i really didn't want her to worry and stop me from finding out the truth.

"Do you want to hang out with Dan and me ?"

"What are you going to do ?" I ask, closing me computer. I didn't want her to look at it or she would understand.

"We're going to go see a movie." She answered, smiling a little.

Ah. Yep, not happening. "I'll let you two be." I smile. "I'll ask Hannah if she wants to meet. She wanted to see me so we could get to know each other"

"That works for me ! She should be alone today, Thomas's working and so is Lilly."

I was suddenly glad that i had taken a year of 'rest'. Because i wouldn't be able to balanced myself between work and finding people.

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