Chapter Twenty One

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"Well damn." Phil said, pressing his fingers to his eyes. "I never imagined there would be this much going on."

"Yeah me too." Jessy said, looking at the table. Saying that Richy had been behind the kidnapping and that he died in the fire had been hard for us. Especially for Jessy.

"So, the hacker is alive ?" Phil continued with his questions.

"As much as we know, he is. We just don't know where he is at the moment."

He nodded and stayed quiet. Looking at Jessy, he must have noticed that she was sad. He put his hand on her shoulder, slightly massaging it. I smiled lightly. Maybe in this sadness, we'll have a bit more happiness. Phil seemed to want and try working things out with Jessy.

"I'll let you two talk now. You must want to spend a bit of time alone, between sister and brother. I'll be in my room." I said, standing up. I was walking past Phil when he grabbed my wrist. Looking down at him, i furrowed my eyebrows.

But he simply nodded his head before talking. "Thank you Judith. For all."

I knew then that he wasn't thanking me just because i set him free. But for all. For calling Alan so he could come home, for taking care of Jessy, for leaving them alone. Maybe for more even, i didn't know.

I smiled. "You're welcome. Now, talk. Put an end to this tension."

He nodded and i left. I hoped it would bring them closer.

Once inside my room, i let my body collapsed on the bed. I was so tired emotionally and physically. I knew my body wasn't made for taking adventures after adventures in the forest. My body had to rest and i never gave it the rest it wanted since looking for Jake. And Hannah.

Sighing, i rolled on my back, letting my head hit the pillow. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.

It was a soft knock on my door that awoke me. One glance at my phone and i could see that i had nap for nearly an hour.

"Judith ?"

I stood up and walked to my door. Opening it, i saw Jessy on the other side. "Yeah ?" My voice was cracking, clear signs that i had been asleep not long ago.

Jessy furrowed her eyebrows worryingly. "Are you alright ?"

"Yeah. I was asleep sorry." I brought a hand to my hair, bringing them back. "What is it ?"

"I cooked diner. Phil is staying to eat. Are you coming ?"

"Hm." I nodded, still half asleep. One hour of rest wasn't enough for me to function right. I closed the bedroom door and followed Jessy who was still eyeing me.

Once in the kitchen, Phil was at the same spot as i last saw him before going upstairs. He looked at me up and down, clearly hinted that he was worried too.

They shouldn't be. I'm fine.

"Are you okay ? You look like death."

"Phil !"

"What ? It's true !"

"Thank you, but i'm indeed alive. Just tired." I sat on the chair i was on earlier. "No need to worry."

"Well excuse me but you don't look good. Jessy told me you were overworking yourself."

"I told you i was fine Jessy." I said, looking at her. I wasn't mad, not really. But i didn't like that she was saying that either. Even if it was true.

"But you're not ! I know that Jake is important to you, really, but even him wouldn't want you to stay like that ! You need rest and you never get any."

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