Chapter Eight

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The bouquet i had ordered was bigger than i expected to be honest. So i sure hope that Hannah likes flowers. And they had time to take some fresh air as i stayed more than i thought in a small park that i found a little farther from the florist.

I was on my way back when my phone rang. I furrowed my eyebrows, because i didn't expected any calls, and balanced the flowers in one arms while taking my phone in the other. When i saw that it was Jessy, i was relieved. No more threatening calls.

I threw my hair on one side, accepting the call. "Yes, Jessy ?"

"Are you still outside ? Lilly wanted to see you. As well as Thomas." As much as i expected Lilly to see me, i never thought i would see Thomas before the other. Sure i was part of why Hannah was free, but still.

"I'm on my way back actually. Sorry if i kept you waiting. I had to clear my mind a little bit." Which was true. I spend nearly an hour in the park, thinking about Jake, Richy, Hannah and what would happen next, now that i technically solved the case.

"It's alright Judith. It's not been a long time since we came home. What about we wait for you with a glass of wine ?"

I chuckled a bit, because i knew that wine was the to-go drink to Jessy. "Sure. Just not a big glass please. See you there."

I hung up and continued to walk, flowers in hands. Maybe Lilly could bring the flowers before then i thought. As her sister, she probably had more time with Hannah. After all, for all i know, Hannah isn't being kept as a criminal.

Five minutes later or so, i was in front of Jessy's apartment, my bike still in front of it. Opening the door, i was greeted by Lilly and Jessy sitting at the table, a glass of wine each. A third glass was on an empty spot, left for me i'm guessing.

"Hey Jessy, do you have a vase or something ?"

"You bought flowers ?" She asked, standing up to retrieve a vase from a cupboard. She put a bit of water in it before leaving it on the kitchen counter.

"It's actually for Hannah. You can bring them with you Lilly if you want. But i don't know if you were planing to go see her again today ?" I looked at her, finishing with the flowers.

"She'll love them. I was actually going to go again with my parents later this afternoon." She said while smiling. "I'll bring them with me, thank you."

"It's alright, it's the least i can do, really."

I sat on the open chair, taking the wine glass between my fingers. For some times i just listen to the two girls chat as they told me some things about their visit to Hannah. How she was still in shook after what happened but happy that she could see them again. And that she was feeling sorry for not telling that she hadn't been feeling good before all the event.

"Also, we talk about you, i hope it doesn't bother you Judith ?"

Swallowing a sip of wine, i shook my head. "Not at all. After all, she will learn that i had something to do with the fact that we found her. The police will probably ask her questions when she's well enough." I tried to smile, but couldn't bring myself to do so more than a few seconds. "Was she okay besides that ?"

"As good as possible. She lost a bit of weight but that can be easily reversed the doctor said. She will need to stay at the hospital for some time."

"As expected. How did it go with Thomas ? Wasn't he supposed to be here actually ?" That's true, Jessy told me that he wanted to meet me too. So why isn't he here ?

"He should be coming any minutes now. We let him have a few minutes with Hannah so they could talk alone and try to clear everything that happened before all of... that."

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