Chapter Sixteen

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Since finding the flashlight yesterday, i couldn't stop thinking about it. We looked around a bit more after that, looking where i had found it. But we never found anything else. Just the piece of metal and plastic. I wanted to go back here. To do some more research.

That's why i was here right now. I got here on bike again, leaving it closer to the entrance of the forest. I knew it was kind of dangerous, but i didn't want Jessy to always follow me. It had been hard on her yesterday, she doesn't need anymore of that if i can go alone.

Admittedly, it wasn't the best day to go into the forest. It was starting to rain slightly. I was sort of covered by the leaves on the trees but could still feel the drops of water falling on my face.

Walking past bunch of trees wasn't that exciting. I was following the only path that could let anybody walk properly. The rest of the surroundings were filled with bushes and thorns.

I was now walking for a good twenty minutes when i came across a dead end. I mean, not a dead end but i couldn't walk safely now. I would have to go over the bushes. At least there wasn't thorns anymore.

I was close to falling a bunch of times and i was glad it never happened because how would i explain myself to paramedics if i needed help.

And in the end, i did all of this for nothing. Because besides trees, i never saw anything. I kept looking around and stopping every minutes to look on the ground and around it. But, nothing. Nada.

I was determined to leave and go back home when something caught my eyes. Pushing some tree branches on the side, i was faced with some sort of cave. At first glance it was small and more importantly, empty. But i couldn't leave without looking at least inside.

The cave was small, barely enough to fit a grown up adult. But it wasn't important. What was important was what was inside on it. Near one of the sides, was a faint stain of blood. At least, that's what i was thinking. It looked like someone had spitted on the ground. Or that the blood was leaking from a wound and causing it to drip the ground.

"Fuck." Taking my phone in hand, i opened my camera, quickly taking some pictures of what i had found. My hands were shaking and i hoped that the pictures would turn out alright.

Besides that, nothing was in the cave. I looked around all of it with the light of my phone without finding anything else.

When i got out of the cave, the rain was falling more heavily. I was scared that the water would enter the cave and erase everything inside but it wasn't like i would tell the police or anything about what i had found. Walking faster then before, i was able to be back to my bike in less than fifteen minutes. My bike was wet and i had nothing with me to wipe the seat. Great.

Sitting on it, i started the motor, quickly leaving the scenery.

I was entirely drenched by the time i got home. Barely in the apartment, Jessy jumped on me, taking me by the shoulders.

"Judith ! Where were you ! I couldn't find you and you weren't answering my text !"

"Sorry. I had to go back."

"Back ? Don't tell me you were in the forest by yourself ?!"

"Okay i won't tell you." I said, taking her hands from my shoulders to put them back down.

"Judith !"

She had every right to be upset. I never told her where i was going. And she wasn't there when i left. So i understood why she was angry.

"I'm sorry Jessy, but you have to understand that i want to find Jake. And i can't do that if i do nothing."

"I understand... Sorry for screaming at you. Let me go get you a towel, stay here."

I nodded my head, letting her go. Between that, i took my phone, thanking god that he didn't get any water on it. Thanks to my bike jacket.

"Here." I looked up to Jessy, taking the towel she was giving me. Drying my hair first, i stayed quiet.

"Did you find something ?"

"I'm... not sure. It's a forest, so it could be anything. It could belong to anything."

"What did you find Judith ?"

I let the towel fall on my shoulders. Looking at her, i only had to unlock my phone to be meet by the pictures i took. I swiped so i could find the best one before turning my phone to her.

"I found some blood spot. At least i think it's blood. In a forest it can't be much things when you find red or brownish spot."

"Do you think it belongs to Jake ?"

"I don't know. Maybe. I'm not an expert, so i can't testify that it was indeed blood, but it surely looked like it. It wasn't that much so if we follow that lead with thinking that it does belong to Jake, he didn't lose that much. At least not there of anywhere in between the cave i found and the Ironsplinter mines."


She suddenly hugged me. I didn't really know why she was hugging me. Maybe because she had been scared or maybe because she wanted to comfort me. Either way, i simply hugged her back. She liked hugs.

"I'll wet you."

"It's alright, i don't mind."

"I should take a shower and change clothes."

She let me go. "Yes, i wouldn't want you to be sick. You already spent so much time in the rain. Don't do that again."

"I won't mom."

"Hey ! I'm younger then you !" She said, slapping me on the shoulder. She liked to do that too apparently.

"Alright, do you prefer that i call you lil' sis ? Because i can." I teased her. I liked to laugh with her, it was funny making her angry.

"Go shower !"

"Yes, yes, i'm going !" I laughed, going up the stairs. Now that i could think that maybe i had a chance to see Jake again, i felt the littlest bit relieved.

I knew i would see him again. I just didn't know when.

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