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Ariel Harryson (soon De Luca)Age 16
Sexuality straight
Known in the underworld as #1
Assassin "The Nightangle ",only the name consists of 'Angel' ,but in reality she is far from that. She is the most ruthless person you would not like to meet if you get on her bad side ,start counting your last days .She goes by the same name on the street fighting 'Rings' and on the street racing 'Tracks' and has IED (impulsive explosive disorder) has photographic memories and has an IQ of 198 ,is a hacking queen

Allejandro De Luca age 51
Ex leader/ capo of the Italian mafia . Father to 8 kids( 7 boys and 1 girl )Biological father to Aerial ,spend's time with family but misses Ariel too much.

Linda De Luca age 48
Ex Donna of Italian mafia ,ex assassin named as 'Deadly'. Mother to 8 kids (7 boys and 1 girl). Biological mother to Aerial. Loves her family and became over protective after Aerial's kidnapping (you will come to know in the introduction).

Alexander De Luca age 27(eldest brother)
Sexuality straight
Leader/capo of Italian mafia, brother to seven children, loves his family like no other. Is cold and very closed off after the kidnapping of his sorella, strict for all his brothers but have a soft spot for his sister.

Matteo De Luca age 24(second eldest brother)
Sexuality straight
Second in command of Italian mafia, the health freak of the family, is cold to outsiders but a soft bear to family, don't mistake him to be only lovely and soft, if you touch his family you are gone
misses his sorella very much.

Alex De Luca age 18 (3rd eldest brother)
Sexuality straight
Sniper of Italian mafia ,was the best friend of Ariel before kidnapped, is very closed of after her missing. Has IED (impulsive explosive disorder) goes to street fighting under the name of "The Destroyer", distances himself from Aerial in fear of losing her again, but misses his sorellina.

Leo De Luca age 17(oldest of the triplets 4th eldest brother)
Sexuality straight
Assassin under the name of "Kali", works for Italian mafia is funny shows he is happy but is very sad ,and misses his little sister.

Liam De Luca age 17(middle of the triplets 5th eldest brother)
Sexuality gay
Doctor of Italian mafia ,is funny when needed but can be very serious if it comes on his family. misses his little ball of sunshine.

Lucas De Luca age 17 (youngest of the triplets 6th eldest brother)
Sexuality bisexual)
Is a Lawyer has the highest IQ of 184 in the family ,before Aerial comes, knows how to fight and Mafia stuff if needed can be involved. Loves Aerial very much and misses her like anything is not involved in the Mafia.

Ace De Luca age 16(older twin of Ariel)
Sexuality straight
Is the hacker of Italian mafia, misses his twin so much is very closed off after her missing loves all his brothers but couldn't accept Ariel's kidnapping. misses his other half .Has an IQ of 180, will be the first one to bond with Ariel still believes that she is alive and secretly try to find her out has not spoken properly to anyone after her missing.

Ariel De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now