Part 21

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Ariel's POV
We were on our way when I received a call from John (one of my mafia man) I picked up before putting it on speaker ,"yes John any update on Spencer"he said in Latin ,"Etiam bulla actu sir spencer occidit 298 Iapones homines, qui in te impetum fecerunt, etiam 2 horrea eorum delevit et eos in cinerem convertit et nos indagare non potuimus"
('yes boss actually sir spencer has killed 298 Japanese men ,who attacked on you he also destroyed 2 of their warehouses and turned them into ashes and no we couldn't trace him '),
irrumabo i shouted,
I fucking knew it ,like this only once when I was in a critical position he left on a killing spree,and this Japanese Mafia has this much guts !!. first I will find Spencer then I will deal with them ,

I tried to track his location,but all in vain, I pulled my hair in frustration, but then I remembered that Japanese have 3 warehouses here,he must be in the third one,so I speed to it ,Nick asked " so what is the current situation", I told "that fucker is on a fucking killing spree he has already destroyed to of there were houses and killed 298 of them according to me as I am not able to track him he is heading towards their third warehouse"he nodded and suddenly it strikes me "does my family know about the abuse, has they saw any scars" Lily said releasing a breath "don't worry A Spencer had it covered, he threatened the doctor to not spill anything and being at your hospital did advantage to you "I sighed in relief and soon we reach the warehouse it was in the middle of a forest as we reached bodies of the guards scattered all over, we head down and started going inside when we heard some of them talking,we hid behind the bushes to hear ,
(that bastard had already destroyed our 2 warehouses and killed maximum of our people but now he is hanging from chains for his dear life ,has he not been bruised and tired he would have killed all of us.)
Hearing them talking about him chained my blood started boiling but seeing his achievements I felt like a proud mother there were four in total and now I assume maybe more in the basement I came out and said ,
(you fuckers what do you think you can capture him just like that and boast to your filthy boss about it ,such a bitch)

The face was worth seeing one of the immediately took out their gun but was shot in head by Lily take that bitches, that's my bestie, the one whom I cursed just now was pale,' the excitement doubles when you curse them in their own language' remaining three were too easy to kill, we went towards the basement and their I could see about 12 to 15 men with guns I signalled Nick to take the left ones and Lily the right ones while I go and search for Spencer ,

On my sign they started firing and soon one came in front of me I shot him straight between the eyes ,as I went inside I could see more of them I checked and I still had about 20 bullets,enough for them , I started shooting and soon 15 were down and they both also joined me , I continued my search and there was a metal door ,
I could here them talking Spenc shouting on some man ,the man said , "what do you think of yourself bastard,wait till my boss arrives, and you will face the real hell, and I heard about your little friend who recently got injured by guess who", there was a pause, and that idiot started laughing Spencer shouted" you mother fucking fuckers because of you my A is hanging between life and death wait till I get out of these chains "now I lost control I barged in the room and so 5 people there I shot 3 and my bullets ran out I threw the gun on one leading him unconscious, knocking him out and the one who was uttering rubbish stood to his spot frozen I heard Spencer and my eyes softened,

Spencer POV
After hearing the news of ariels going into, comma I was devastated and decided to end each and every person who was behind it ,even if I have to sacrifice life my own life for it because I cannot live without her she was the one because of whom I am alive right now ,I already destroyed two of their warehouses and I am currently chained into their third one which they were lucky enough to capture me, the man in front of me was spewing rubbish and bull shit about A and just then the door breaks open and out of the five three were short dead and one knocked out, I moved my head towards the direction of the sound and was shocked to see aerial standing there I could see the bandage on her head and over her hand through which saline was attached,her eyes with throwing fire I called her softly "Ariel hey don't worry"

     she turned towards me and her eyes visibly softened and the man who was speaking till now was frozen to his place and shivering from fear I had a huge smirk on my face, aerial went towards him and punched him right on the nose hearing a satisfying crack and started saying how* punch* dare* punch* you *punch* you mother fucking bastard *punch* she kept on punching him tell he was called on the floor

     I called her "Ariel calm down and release me first ,he is unconscious he will not go anywhere you can torture him all you want afterwards" she turn towards me and glared at me and I knew I was up for a long lecture, she came towards me and released me and slapped me, okay!! not what was I expecting and then she hugged me I know she is emotional because she is a little tipsy on anaesthesia, she supported me as I was heavily bruised and I spotted Nick and Lily shooting the last man they came towards me and I was again slapped!!! by none other than Lily ,what is with these girls and slapping me she and Nick hugged me and they put the man in the trunk and we sat in the car Lily in passenger seat Nick driving
       while me and a in the back seat I lean my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes satisfied to see A alive and infront of me ,I know I have very much to explain about my actions but it's all worth it ,all those 298 lives were worth it those bastards messed with someone wrong this time.

Sorry guys I know it's been so long since my last update but my exams are going on ,but will try to post more thanku for your love and support

Thanku soooooooó muchhhhhh for 10k means a lotttt to me ❤️❤️

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