part 22

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Ariel's POV
We rescued Spenc and soon he fell asleep on my shoulder ,Lily said" so Spencer ,any info we need to be aware off" I said "we'll talk afterwards he is tired" she said "of course he will be after the idiotic stunt he has pulled", I nodded and soon I too was losing consciousness I have lost a lot of blood and before I know I passed out.

Nick's POV
After all the rescuing and violence we were heading towards hospital and for the fact aerial, was tired but will never show it, she was not in the state to fight but she did for a best friend ,I looked qt the back and panicked when I saw her arms stitches are opened and blood oozing out , Lily too panicked and told me to speed and within 10 minutes we reached I saw her family tensed which was obvious ,on the way in, her brother whom I don't recognise properly took her in his arms and rushed inside while two more supported Spencer with me and both of them where taken to be treated,such idiots putting their life in risk for each other ,

Time skip
3 hours later,
Arial condition was unstable at first as she has lost a lot of blood during the fight but now she is under sedative I was in my thoughts when I heard screaming from Spencer room I ran to his room, he was thrashing while sweating profusely, I hugged him saying things like 'you are safe ','don't worry anymore ,no one can do anything to you',' now we are here 'gradually after a long time he calmed down and open his eyes

this was the first time he had an nightmare and Ariel was not there to calm him down which is why it took so much time for me, as soon as he saw the surrounding and he told everyone in the room in his dark voice" not a word about this to Ariel if you don't want to be on my bad side "they all nodded and Spencer suddenly said realising "where is she ,where is she, I need to talk to her"

one of a brother started shouting, "why are you asking this now ,where were you when Ariel removed her channels and rushed to search for you in this condition, I don't even know how you manipulated the doctor he is not ready to say anything about her scars on her hand, I saw it, they are not even ready to say anything even after threatening them, this all happened because of you, we got our sister back after so long and she has already risked her life 2 times, had not been for you she would have been safe with us but no ,now she is lying unconscious in that fucking bed, and I don't know how to help her,"

he broke down while kneeling on the floor and burst into fits of tears his brother supported him but we were beside Spencer I could see the look in his eyes and I said loudly" Spencer enough, snap out of it "but he didn't I kept on saying but the look in his eyes said it all lastly having no option left I have to say it" Spencer think about Ariel she needs you what will happen to her after listening to it snap out for Ariel" and I knew it worked because he drop a tear and then it didn't stop and one by one it continued to flow,

The two things I was dreading the most about was firstly ariel's reaction because when she will come to know about this outburst of her brother she will not handle it calmly because we all know how special Spenc is for her she can die and kill for him,but more importantly I was worried about the look in his eyes which screamed 'SELF HARM'

Ariel's POV
I opened my eyes to the beeping, it felt like Deja vu ,just then I reached out to sit and immediately matteo was beside me and helped me to sit ,Lily entered and hugged me saying" you scared me A" I chuckled at her, and asked "how is Spencer, is he alright ?,how is his wounds ,nothing serious right," she looked around at my brothers and they shared a look, okay... now I was damn curious , I said to Alexander who was beside me "I want to visit Spencer ",he said" we will visit him but first you have to take rest" but I told him with finality in my voice,
" I need to visit him like right now"

Lily's POV
After the outburst of ariel's brother Spencers said everybody to go out but Nick was resistant and stayed with him, meanwhile a nurse came and told that Ariel's awake, I went to meet her seeing her in this condition broke me to no extent, I hugged her tightly and said "you scared me A " she chuckled and began throwing questions my way regarding Spencer, I look that at her brothers knowing very well that if Ariel  visits him now she will definitely know about his breakdown,

     she asked one of her brothers who looked relatively older to take her to Spencer but when he denined she persisted I said under my breath  let's see how everything goes ,now only God can save that brother of hers , when Alexander didn't move she started removing her IV she struggled,then her only brother whom I know apparently the doctor Mateo came and removed her channels ,she held my hand for support and told me to take her to Spencer.

Ariel's POV
I held on to Lily for support and she guided me towards Spencers room ,I felt that she was resistant but due to my persistence she had to, on entering what I saw broke me ,Spencer was crying in Nick's arms and nick was consoling
him, I rushed towards him leaving Lily and asked "what happened Spencer" his eyes snapped towards me and his hands went to his cheeks, he turned his head away from me, probably wiping his tears, I looked at Nick and asked "what happened ,why is he crying, why the hell he is not attached to his IVs" Spencer face me with eyes red and puffy, god knows for how long was he crying and why..

    but his eyes were different chapter, I saw in his eyes what I saw years ago and what took a great part of his mental strength to overcome, but now it seems like he is back to square ,I went to him and Spencer being Spencer as always not wanting to trouble me put on a fake smile and said" I am alright ,just everything that happened in the last few hours, took a toll on me ,nothing serious, are you alright ?"
     he said he eyes filled with concern but who was he kidding, he has been in that situation aur rather worse than that for more than times he can count, I asked in a cold voice "what happened over here ,if no one says  anything that too right now, I have to take  other way"they remained  silent, I took a seat on the couch and saw Nick's laptop lying there, I took it and they realised what I was going to do, and started coming towards me ,I said in a stone voice "stay where you all are, I gave you the option but you didn't utter anything,now stay where you are "

      I hacked into the CCTV of the hospital ,and played the recording for the fast few hours of this room because that was the apparent time I was unconscious, everything seemed normal, Spencer sleeping,everyone being silent but then I saw Spencer having a nightmare, I slapped my head towards him and told "you didn't think it necessary to inform me spencs  seriously "I started the video again and the three of them seemed excessive nervous ,why , I saw Spencer asking about me and after what I saw made my blood boil, I saw him shouting at spence accusing him saying "why are you asking this now ,where were you when Ariel removed her channels and rushed to search for you in this condition, I don't even know how you manipulated the doctor he is not ready to say anything about her scars on her hand, I saw it, they are not even ready to say anything even after threatening them, this all happened because of you, we got our sister back after so long and she has already risked her life 2 times, had not been for you she would have been safe with us but no ,now she is lying unconscious in that fucking bed, and I don't know how to help her," I looked towards them and Spencer had your tears in his eyes I stood up and took my phone calling Lucas and saying in my deadliest voice" I want each and every one of you in his room in 5 minutes" 

Now now,, The question arises that who was the brother among them who shouted at her dear Spencer,

    thank you for your patience and love for my story and I sincerely apologise  for the delay in updating, hope there will be a updates soon .❤️❤️

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