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Allejandro's POV
I was stuck in a buisness meeting for don't know how long I wanted to be free from here, but this was an important alliance for my Mafia there has been not a single day then I didn't miss my little ball of sunshine my Aerial but as days, months and years past  I was losing hope, but now it seems I will never get to meet her again or hold her in my arms spoil her, when she was taken we did everything but it was like they never existed that moment was a total breakdown for the whole family I myself cried to sleep for God knows how long my eldest son engaged himself in training and had a major breakdown we slowly recovered but still want her back in our lives so badly.  I was in my own world when my earliest son called out" dad what are you thinking Mr brown (the one with whom we are making alliance )is saying something,i came out of my world and sealed our deal. I was about to take my leave and go back home to cuddle with my wife and meet my children when there was a call it was an unknown number  this is the number that I don't give to everyone but as my gut said I picked the call
Social service agent bold
allejandro normal
Is this Mr deluca speaking
yes ,who are you and what are you calling for
hi sir  I am Mrs Cream from the social service agency calling you for the custody of miss aerial Harrison
  if you are lying just fucking cut the call because if I know this is a joke then you will end up in hell
No sir I am not joking we have miss Ariel here whose adoptive parents David and Chloe died in a car crash and we did a DNA to confirm it if you want I can send it to you
Yes please send me and can you tell me from were are you talking from
sir we are currently in California
okay can you please send me a picture of her's
sure sir can do
okay I will be there in 8 hours

I hurriedly went home with my  eldest son trailing behind me still confused that what was the call for as soon as we reached home I shouted through the intercom," FAMILY MEETING NOW"
just as I said a  bunch of foot steps were heard and came down beautiful wife and my lovely children they were looking at me like I was mad I was smiling from ear to ear .I said to them "please sit down and let me tell you what happened the thing happened which we had waited for 15 years" they were curious and sat down, my wife came to me with a confusing look and asked "what happened  honey "I said "sit down dear I'm telling everything "when they all settle  down I stand in front of them and said "okay so today when I finished the meeting I received a call  and they said that they have aerial in their custody as David and Chloe are dead in a car crash and the DNA matched so I'm going to California to take her back home"I release a  breath and that's when the hell broke loose.
After disclosing the news my wife was a crying mess she said "Alle is it true I am getting my baby back, my baby will be in my arms again I just nooded with slight tears in my eyes my eldest son Alexander still remained in his cold face but his lips twitched a bit towards upward and his eyes softened
Matteo was smiling like crazy and said as soon as she comes he will make him his famous recipes
Alex well he was the most disturbed when Ariel was kidnapped as he was the closest to her he just kept his face intact but his eyes showed happiness but he soon got up punched the wall and went to his room and I think that's why he is called the destroyer
Leo ,Liam and Luca the L triplets were happy that they were getting there sorellina back
Ace was full on crying by this time .
I suddenly asked "who will go with me and there were all hands in air i sighed and said ok I and Alexander will be going they all said it is not fair but I said that she may be overwhelmed if she saw all of us together
Just then my phone pinged I checked and it was a photo of hers she was looking exact replica of dad which didn't go unnoticed by the rest ,Luca said "she looks so much like u andNana" i just hummed and went out with Alexander following me.

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