Part 16

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Macy: Marco's mother
Augustine: Marco's father
Ariel's POV
After my overwhelming meeting with the Garcia's ,we all sat at the dinning table and all accept the Garcia's looked at me with questioning looks and sensing the atmosphere tense Alex asked Marc,"so bro ,how do you know her"and Marc looked at me asking from eye to eye that have I told them to which I blinked 2 times which meant no,he nodded in understanding and Alex cleared his throat,Marc looked at me ignoring Alex and asked  ,"so принцеса what are you doing here",
(Princess in Bulgarian)
I said "well David and Chloe died in doing some shit, system ran a DNA and my biological family was found which are they "I mentioned towards them , I explained vaguely to him,he nodded ,"now will you answer my question "Alex asked with a hint of anger evident in his voice ,Marco nodded and said,"so when I was some what 6 ,one night I was playing in the park beside my house and saw her crying so "I saw everyone on the table tensing on the word crying wow what will happen when they will come to know about the real things that have happened to me, he continued "I saw her crying because .."he took a pause he is damn bad at lying he has been like this always i kicked him under the table and instantly he said"because she scrapped her knee and it was bleeding a little bit"I mentally thanked and visibly relaxed because this has been the best lie he has ever said,he continued "than from that day we started hanging out and became inseparable,she used to visit our home and got close to my parents,so this is much,but now when I see Ace how much they are similar I understand how couldn't I before"i smacked his head muttering fool he whined like always saying"not again you do that every time if you do again I will not talk to you"he pouted like a fucking 5 year old ,Matteo asked "but what were you calling each other,which language is that "Marc replied"Bulgarian my mother tongue" when again Liam asked" as you know we don't know Bulgarian so mind telling what were the words cause we are curious you know ",

     I decided to tease them a bit so I said" nothing just a few endearments we used to say each other years ago"now all the boys were spitting fire from their eyes and as soon as the bomb was going to explode Macy ended my short teasing session by saying "why are you troubling the boys Ariel ,"she turned towards the boys and said"Marco just said princess as he used to from the time they met and Ariel called him big bro"they all tensed on the mention of princess but as soon as heard big bro they were all good but one can see jealousy swarming in their eyes ,it somewhat gave me a warmth feeling seeing them all overprotective on me but still one question arise in my mind is it to early ,am I giving them chances to break me all over again ,not to forget they were the one who abandoned me and here I am, technically it is their fault but somehow I feel there is still some more part to the story ,

          I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard tine asking "so how have you been dear all this while on your own , I know that bastards "he was going to spill my secret I hurriedly told him,"no no tine I am and was good nothing went wrong"he nodded with a smile when father asked in Italian
"così la mafia americana vuole essere alleata, con noi se hanno preso la loro decisione"

   "so does the american mafia wants to be allies with us ,has they gave their decision "
I looked at their direction to see that Marco and his parents were looking at me only ,so I said in Bulgarian
"не разкривай нищо, те все още не знаят за мен"

"don't reveal anything , they still don't know about me"
They nodded and father was going on talking about making an alliance with my mafia and I saw Marco hiding his smirk but was failing miserably,

I was also laughing internally,but kept it low and just like this the dinner was over and Marco went and we promised to see each other more frequently and we will see each other in school.

After dinner we went to our respective rooms and I saw a message in my phone which I use for assassination purpose,
Tonight I am having a fight my manager
 Lea has arranged,it was currently 10:30 and I had a match from 12 so I sat on the bed lazily and scrolled through my phone did some legal work and soon it was 11:15 , I went to the closet and took out my mask and dressed simply i have my fighting dress at the club only, I secretly sneaked out I saw the time indicating 11 30 i speed towards the club ,parked my bike and was going to enter when the guard stopped me and started laughing

Ariel De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now