Part 15

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Linda's POV
This morning I woke up at 7 o'clock in my love's arms , I am having peaceful nights since Ariel returned and I am so happy I can't explain,all of my son's are more cheerful after her return whereas I know Alex will take some time due to his insecurities,rest my life is as perfect as it can be , I was deep in my thoughts when I felt a pec on my lips I turned and saw Ale awake he said in his morning husky voice"what are you thinking so deep early in the morning without focusing on your handsome husband right beside you", I decided to play along and said"handsome well maybe but you are old ",he seemed taken aback but soon returned to his cocky self and said with a mischievous smirk"I can very well show you how old I am"I wiggled to get out of his hold but he held me and we both looked at each other and started laughing,

             he pressed a kiss on my forehead and asked "by the way what were you so engrossed into"I shrugged and said "things,leave it let's freshen up we have guests coming today remember",he nodded I again asked "when are you going to tell her about the mafia"he said "let's wait for the correct time"I nodded and said "I am gonna take a shower"he replied with a grin "let me join you it will save both time and water "I said"don't start again with your cliche flirty lines"he laughed again I love my family,

        We went down hand in hand and saw everyone already sitting on the table we all joined and I saw Ariel frustrated what happened to her I was worried when Ace asked her "why are you this grumpy early in the morning"but she didn't replied him which was actually shocking because she has most connected with her twin she was looking at Alex after sometime she got up without eating and Matteo asked "what happened why are you not eating" she said "I don't feel like it, I will take anything on the way ,don't worry" I can say from his look he was not convinced so I decided to ask "what happened is something wrong" she shook her head in no and Ale said "don't go anywhere come directly from the school they will reach here by 7"they all nodded and left for their respective schools and works , at first I was scared for Ariel as she is so small and rided a bike so furiously but later I came to know that she is used to it ,no wonder what has happened with her, shruggging of the thoughts ,I began to watch the arrangements for the dinner tonight.

Alex's POV
I know I have been a jerk since aerial has arrived but what will I do I am just hell insecure about her ,what if she decides to leave us again, we are in such a business that nothing is certain rather be it us or our lives,
        This morning I was coming back from the gym around 7 o'clock and saw Ariel sneaking she was dressed in different clothes maybe she has gone for jogging but that's not what she would wear and why the hell is she sneaking I couldn't figure it out ,
            At the table also I saw her and she looked fucked up and she had dark circles around her eyes which said that she didn't have sleep, I wonder why but I didn't say anything to her because firstly she looks deadly like if I wanted to die I should provoke her and secondly I was not in the right mood to pass a comment, so rather decided to stay quite and observe , she looked at me to figure out what was I thinking but I would like to say she couldn't, and soon we were off to the hell if you know you know.

Ariel's POV
I reached school and park my bike and saw Lily and Nick making their way towards me, I hugged Lily and Nick when the boys came out they were glaring daggers at Nick ,I am like no need to go all possessive brothers all the time but struggging of I moved forward and introduced them ,I said "so boys meet my best friends ,Lily and Nick and there is one more who is currently absent today and guys meet my brothers Liam, Leo, Lucas, Ace and Alex "they all smiled at Lily and gave a stern nod to nick, I don't know what I am  feeling,

          I am used to this possessiveness as Spencer and Nick are no less I went to my class and the periods were same boring as hell I don't know how long am I going to survive it was lunch I went to the cafeteria Lily and Nick had to leave to take care of some business of their own I don't know what so decided to eat alone I took my lunch and went to the field I saw a tree and sat there peacefully eating my lunch when, I looked at a boy no a literal Greek god who was smoking ,his perfect sculptured face Deep jawline he was wearing a black hoody had messy hair and now on seeing him only one word came in mind sexy as fuck, ok this is not me ,
         I brushed of the thoughts and went to my next class, which I was actually interested in arts class upon entering Mrs Gellar ask with the sweet smile are you new to this class, I nodded with a small smile I am not rude to those who are sweet to me , show the class started to fill and I saw that boy from out is also in the same class as mine and Mrs Gellar asked us to draw anything we like, I like painting very much and used to paint so I took out my Canvas and started painting after about 45 minutes she came to me and said "wow you have a great talent but your painting conveys your feelings in your heart which you try to bury deep but you are also eventually a human being so sometimes you should let it out if you need someone I am always there you can come to me and talk" I looked at her in shock and she said" no need to be shocked it's about experience", I nodded my head and after school .


I went home took a long shower and selected a dress to wear at the dinner and saw the time which was 4:30, so I decided to take a nap ,as you know about my night, I woke up at 6:30 and realised that maybe I will be late I started to get ready and ...

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I went home took a long shower and selected a dress to wear at the dinner and saw the time which was 4:30, so I decided to take a nap ,as you know about my night, I woke up at 6:30 and realised that maybe I will be late I started to get ready and wore this,

I went for something simple as I was running late, I went down and heard unfamiliar but familiar voices seems like they have arrived ,           The chatter seemed to stop at the  sound of my heels and what I saw next was enough to stop my world, ...

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I went for something simple as I was running late, I went down and heard unfamiliar but familiar voices seems like they have arrived ,
           The chatter seemed to stop at the  sound of my heels and what I saw next was enough to stop my world, I ran to him and jumped in his arms he held me securely and wrapped a protective arm around my waist he pulled down my dress ,still the same after some good 10 minutes after which he pulled away and I had tears flowing from my eyes and he said"are you really here 'принцеса'
(Princess in Bulgarian)
I replied full on sobbing hearing the nickname after 5 years "I am here голям брат"
(big bro in Bulgarian)
Finally after the long wait of 5 years I met my big bro Marco who showed me what's it like to have a brother,who saved me ,treated me I was so overwhelmed to see him infront of me when I least expected him ,a cough broke us out of our trance and I saw Mr and Mrs Garcia I went and hugged both of them ,they had always given me a love I yearned for,i looked around and saw everyone in surprise,seems like it will be a long night.

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