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16 years ago,
Allejandro's POV
Okay baby just push a bit more just relax, I said to my beautiful wife who is going to give birth to my precious twins ." HOW CAN YOU THINK I CAN RELAX TRY PUSHING A HUMAN OUT OF YOUR VAGINA THEN SAY THIS" . My wife Lucy said in pain, I chuckled "YOU ARE FUCKING  LAUGHING"
lucy said in anger laced in her voice. I calmed her down by whispering sweet nothing's in her ear.  Doctor informed "congratulations you gave birth to a baby boy just push a bit more Mrs De Luca "
"AHHHH" my wife cried and another crying was heard "congratulations Mr and Mrs De Luca you have a baby girl" doctor said happily, I took my baby girl in my arms, she saw me with big eyes touched my subtle and giggled I saw her and amusement my wife asked me to give our baby girl to her she took her in her arms and asked "what do we name them"  I said 'Ariel' she said "wow I like that name Aerial De Luca and Ace De Luca" my elder children came and saw there little brother and sister in a amusement  all were  smiling from ear to ear .That day I knew we will do anything to keep them safe but little did they new they were going to lose the little baby girl they just had .

1 year later
Allejandro's POV
Today my babies are one my baby girl is a daddy's girl where as Ace is mamma's boy ,Lucy has gone to wake my baby girl, she shouted I hurriedly went to the twins nursery and found my wife with Ace in her arm and a piece of paper in the other and crying badly ,I ask her what happened she only give me the piece of paper
'till now there was no weakness of italion Mafia but now there is this little Mafia princess so bad the late of your princess I am taking her you tortured and killed my family just a sweet payback'
                Your most trusted guard
                               David Harryson
As soon as I read it I broke down
My eldest son who was 12 came  when he read that he also broke into tears, we tried finding them but it seem like they never existed on Earth.

On David 's side at morning 4:00 a.m.
David's POV
I took sleeping aerial carefully and place her in my car's trunk and went to the main gate the guards asked where was I going I was supposed to guard The Mafia princess I told that my friend is sick and have taken permission from capo and after a bit convincing the let me go and here I am with this little Mafia princess I am gonna to enjoy it .*evil laugh*

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