Part 19

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Hospital walls have heard more prayers than any church

  3rd person POV
After receiving the call from Alex Alexander hurried to the location, on his way he saw two cars in the worst condition and people shot to death, one on forehead and other straight on heart, his breath hitched he was afraid for the second time in his life,first when Ariel was taken and now he was afraid to lose her again who has just came into their lives after being away for so long, after coming to a certain distance he saw her car parked at the side of the road hastily,he went towards it and what he saw had his world crumbled down.

Alexander's POV
As soon as I saw Ariel's car I shouted and ran towards it and just then Alex arrived ,he had blood shot eyes and felt like he was still crying he ran towards her with force ,when I was trying to open her door, he pushed me aside and with his full pressure and strength he broke the door and embraced aerial in his arms who was supporting and barely kept her eyes open but as soon as Alex caught her she lost consciousness, and that's when I noticed shot wounds on her shoulders, I panicked  and told Alex," Alex she has been shot, we need to take her to hospital as soon as possible ,she is losing blood "listening to my words he came to the realisation and picked aerial and ran towards my car,

     I said in the driver seat and my hands were numb I was not able to process my surroundings when Arnold who came with Alex said,"Alexander you come out and sit at the back let me drive ", I nodded and came out sitting in the passenger seat , thinking maybe she will be uncomfortable, Arnold speed to the hospital while Alex was putting pressure on her would to prevent excessive blood loss,we reached the hospital and she was immediately taken to the emergency ward, we were standing outside the operation theatre with blood stained clothes and soon everybody else arrived ,after about 5 minutes a girl's voice came shouting, she was aerial best friend Lily she had swollen eyes like she has cried her eyes out on her way ,with her was Ariel's other two best friend, before I could say anything she shouted" where is she? what happened ?how could this happen to her?she is always careful in such situations,"saying this she stopped abruptly and that made me think which type of situations is she talking about, I told her calmly" she is being operated don't worry she will be alright "she looked at me before slightly nodding and sat at the corner with her back to the wall,we all were standing hoping aerial to be alright ,

     after 10 minutes the doctor came outside and before we could ask a thing he said" the patient has lost lot of blood and her type is not available in the hospital which is AB(-) (negative) ,does anyone here has the same blood group and instantly 5 hands were raised everybody was fighting to give blood ,but what we didn't notice was that Alex already went inside with the doctor to give blood ,we all stood there not knowing what to do ,30 minutes later a nurse came outside upon asking her she said Alex is resting due to weakness after donating blood and Ariel's position is still critical , listening to which mom started crying badly and dad was consoling her,like this waiting for another 3 hours doctors came outside and we all ran to them asking about her condition ,one of the doctors said,"the operation was successful but her situation is still critical, and if she doesn't gain consciousness within 24 hours, she can slip in comma, for now you can see her ,but I must say she is a fighter she fought to be alive we had almost lost her because that bullet has hit a vital nerve but let's see", I was proud to say at least she indeed was a fighter but the previous words words by the doctor had my world crumble down, my baby sister is fighting for her life saving her brothers from getting hurt,

3rd person POV
All were very afraid about what can happen ,Alex woke up and his reaction was disturbing, as soon as he woke up he asked,"where is my sister is she alright", and he started thrashing having a panic attack,we immediately called the doctors and they put him to sleep but we were devastated to say the least.

Time skip
15 hours later
3rd person POV
All of them were sitting in ariel's room and Alex was also shifted here after he woke up and created a havoc to see his sister, everyone knew he loved Ariel but was trying to protect himself and her both but now seeing him like this made them sure that he loved Ariel to no extent,all of the brothers were sitting hoping that she will wake up soon , Linda fainted due to excessive stress and her 3 bestfriends were numb they had faced this kind of situation earlier also but never this intense ,they were hell afraid .

Marco's POV
I was working on a plan for my mafia when I received call from Lucas that Ariel was shot and is in very critical position,my world stopped, I couldn't think of anything and rushed to the hospital informing my parents on the way, I reached and say everyone sitting next to her,she looked so pale and so many wires attached to her body made me cry , no-one has ever seen me cry but today I couldn't control seeing her in this situation,

Arnold's POV
When I accompanied Alex to rescue Ariel, I had not thought the situation could take such a turn and my angle will be in a critical state I was devastated,I never liked someone so much and I have not even talked to her nicely and this happened, I never prayed to God for anything but today I am praying for her 'PLEASE GOD DON'T LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HER' I shouted in my mind, I saw Marco cry which is so not common, no one I mean no one has ever seen him cry,this made me think may be he is someone very special to and for Ariel,overall the situation was hell tensed,only 10 hours more she has to wake up ,i hope she wakes ,probably all were thinking the same thing sitting beside her.

5kkkkkkkkkkkkk,thanks guys for your support hope you all are well,
Sorry for the late update
Hope you all like it,
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