Best friends

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Lily rosse
Age 16

Best friend of Ariel
Know her since Ariel was 5
Second Best Assassin known as "The Reaper"
Sexuality :straight
Goes by the same name in Street fights and Street races.
Has an IQ of 150.
Is very protective of Ariel has seen her go through thin and thicks ,being abused by foster parents one after another is very reluctant to take her out of this misery has a very soft spot for her and only her loves her friends very much and can kill if you get in their way.

Nicholas Woods
Age 17
Another best friend of Ariel
Known her sense she was 5
Third best Assassin known as the snake
Sexuality straight
Goes by the same name in Street fights
Is very strong and has a great eyesight for a sniper is very protective of aerial and treats himself as her older brother, is very goofy , funny ,playful in front of his loved ones once you hurt them he is a deadly person you would not like to meet.

Spencer Johnson
age 17
another best friend of Ariel
Known her since she was 5
4th best Assassin known as the devil
Sexuality gay
Goes by the same name in street dresses race is
Is the funniest among all, loves to prank them but if you trigger him,he will be the death for  all, is very protective over aerial and Lily and love them very much .

Marco Garci
Age 18
Sexuality straight
another best friend of Ariel
Has known her since he was she was 4 has known her longest amongst all
he is the heir of Bulgarian Mafia has left Ariel and other best friends at the age of 13
and some sort of  error lead to not  communicating for 3 years but on both sides all remember and miss each other deeply has conversed in the starting but left gradually
He is a very good friend and alliance of Italian mafia
Is best friends with Alex De Luca , the third oldest and is the part of 8 fabs of the school.
And is very protective over aerial
Aerial consider's Mr and Mrs Garcia has her own  parents and the Garcia  family has accepted and loved aerial as their own daughter.

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