Part 24

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So the wait is over guyss
Thanks for the patience and support you all showed in these times
And also happy Holi to all my lovely readers

Ariel's POV
I had to remain in the hospital for the following week as neither matteo nor spenc let me leave the bed, I hadn't check checked on my Mafia in a long time, they are not even letting me work on the laptop .

I could have at least finished my legal part of work by now, anyways I am still not talking to my biologicals even when they have tried very much, I only talk to my mother when she comes with food because the food in the hospital sucks

I have not felt this motherly love for as long as I can remember I still remember what happened 2 days back,

Flashback 2 days ago

After giving me my dinner mother went out and I felt drowsy all thanks to the medicines and sedative ,soon I fell asleep, welcoming the nightmare,
' no leave me!!
I will not repeat it!
I am sorry!!'
But all these was unheard by him, as he came towards me and stared at me creepily, suddenly I was yanked back by my hair and thrown to the ground harshly as he hovered over me and grinned disgustingly ,he pulled of my top I shouted at the top of my voice ,he grabbed my mouth with one hand as he roamed his other hand all over my body,
I was feeling disgusted ,he was behaving like a total psyco soon he picked a knife which I failed to notice previously ,and started writing,
SLUT AND MISTAKE, over my abdomen and back
he was enjoying my blood by rubbing it all over,
'Ariel what happened dear,snap out of it'
I opened my eyes, breathing heavily from the dreadful memory from when I was 11,
I was breathing heavily and again started panicking when I was engulfed in a warm hug ,I tried pushing but it didn't bug so I try to calm down when I opened my eyes slowly, I saw mother standing with tears streaming down her face, as she continuous saying while caresing my head and whispering,
'don't worry I am here ,no one can hurt you now',
' I will not let anything happened to you love, I will protect you with all I have ',
I don't know what came in my mind I wrapped my arms on her waist keeping my head on her stomach,

she help me lay down,wiped her tears and asked," do you want to talk about it "I shook my head in denial ,she replied"ok no pressure I'll leave you to sleep, okay" probably thinking for not making me uncomfortable but now I don't know why I wanted her to stay,

I held her hand tightly and whispered "please stay don't leave" she held my hand with her other one , I scooted aside and she laid beside me pulling me in her safe embrace. I fell asleep feeling safe after a very long time.

Flashback ends,
Like this a whole week passed and finally I was discharged, and I just got to know that the big shipment which I myself has to collect is going to arrive tomorrow and I don't know how to convince my biologicals to leave me alone,
The shipment is very important for my Mafia so I have to be present there, as I was in my deep thoughts Lily entered with a bag of my clothes and said "I have brought you change of clothes change it and we will depart for your home"

I said" Lily I have to go for collecting the shipment you have to cover for me" she raised her brow curiously and said "but how" and I replied "that's what I am thinking" just then Alexander entered and said "Ariel we have completed your discharge formalities and when you are ready we'll leave, you are still under bed rest for 2 weeks after which you can resume your normal routine",

I just nodded my head and took the bag from Lily and went to change my clothes ,we all left for home, I was with Lily and Spencer, Nick is out for some of his legal business and father suggested that my friends should live with me for some time,so as to make me more comfortable,we arrive and went to our respective rooms for some rest,

I decided to take my medications and laid on the bed thinking about the past days, and as I was a bit drowsy I felt someone entering the room, but was too tired to open my eyes, I heard the voice say 'I am so sorry baby sister' it was Ace but I still didn't open my eyes ,and he continued 'so sorry A I was not in my right state of mind ,after losing you for so many years ,we finally got you back and then ,again you put your life in risk twice in front of us ,lying on the bed with those damn wires attached to your body ,life hanging on a thin thread, you going into coma, that's scared me to no extent , I am sorry for the way I reacted I know your friends means a lot to you they were there when we weren't and I am so grateful for it, but when you shouted on me I was hurt ,it was my fault I will not repeat it again I love you so much and I am glad you are back safely ,

he kissed my forehead and went out ,I was feeling a lot of emotion which I decided not to, I didn't came here for lifetime but seems like these people are not letting me go away anytime soon, they are breaking my walls which I have built to protect myself , still in my thoughts I didn't know when sleep consumed me I was woken up by yet another nightmare ,

And turn to see the clock showing 2:53 ,well I got enough sleep ,today evening the shipments will come and I have to be in the right state of body to receive it ,I changed my clothes and went to the gym and started with light exercises then went on the treadmill and lost the track of time when Alex came to me and noticed it was 4o'clock ,

He came towards me and said "you should be resting, not exercising, you are not still fit to do this" not giving me a chance to say anything he picked me up in bridal style and said "you talk too much, when doctor said you should rest that means you should rest ,no room for any discussion " he took me to my room,
put me on the bed and sat beside me and said "now you are going to sleep and I am going to be here and keep a watch on you" I had no other choice but to close my eyes and I pretended to sleep because sleep was far away from me, after a few seconds he said to confirm " are you asleep",but I didn't react to it and he said" no need to act I know you are not asleep" then he laid beside me,

I opened my eyes shocked ,he pulled me towards him and ran his hands through my hairs and said" sleep I am with you , nothing's gonna hurt you, I am there for you "and that sentence provided me the warmth I was searching for and very soon in a few minutes I was fast asleep .

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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