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Ariel's POV
As I entered allejandro's office his eyes softened seeing me which kind of intrugated me but I shrugged off the feeling and sat in front of him and said "so what do you want to talk", he said "as your settled I want you to follow some rules "........okay I know where the conversation is leading and I am gonna enjoy it I nodded my head towards him and said "what are they" and on the que i saw all the boys and mother entering his office and all the boys took their seats and mothers stood beside him,
He started,so
Rule no 1: We are your elders and we demand respect and we want you to give it to all your brothers ,mother and me

Rule no 2:No cussing

Rule no 3: We have seen your grades from your previous school and as you are a A+ student we want you to keep it like that

Roll no. 4: no boyfriends

Rule no 5: if you go out take one of your brothers and we should know your location every time you are out of the house

Rule no.6: no fighting in the school

Rule no.7: your curfew for weekdays is 11 and for weekends is 12:30.

He completed and I look around and saw everybody serious and I broke into fits of laughter, seeing no one laugh I composed myself and asked "are you serious,
okay so as far your rule are concerned let me tell you ,'rule number one if you give me respect I will give it, and you must know that I demand respect too',

' no cursing ,ha !!it is the second language of mine so no thank you',

' rule number three is okay',

' four what if I like girls ,i said and looked around and saw horrified looks on my fa.... too early I think I have put down my walls so quickly I need to gather myself up, so I composed and said, no I am straight but boyfriend or not I will decide and it's not like your sons don't have different girls every now and then,

' rule number five yes ,no when I will go out I will say but I am not taking anybody and I'm not stating my location'

'rule number six I don't start any fight but I don't back up from defending myself so if they want themselves badly hurt they can come on me,

' rule number seven is okay' I will definitely sneak out when nobody knows I mumbled to myself,
I completed and told turned to look around in the room and so various expressions like a hint of amusement in the triplets and my twins eye annoying expression in assholes , you should know by now it's Alex, proud eyes from Alexander and bit of irritation with the glint of proud in father's I wonder why .Mother turn towards him and smirk saying she is your daughter nothing is less not even attitude and hugged me and wished,good night I returned the greeting and stood up and like I do business deals I put my hand forward for handshake father looked shocked but did the same gesture and I wished them

And said "Ace can you give me a tour now" he replied with an okay and come with me I went with him and saw the house which had many things an open home theatre games room dining hall and even a hall for a ball I mean look at that big ass mansion it even had an in house pool which I would love to swin into ,a gym ,i came back to my room I shower and changed into my pj and slipped in the bed,ready to welcome a sleep full of nightmares.

Morning 4:00am
Again ,nothing new , ' long sigh ' i woke up with a oh so wonderful memory of mine as said by Alex 'note the sarcasm '
I wiped my sweat changed into my sports bra and Nike shots and went to the gym to take out some frustration,i went inside and started with some push ups, treadmill and started punching the bag






I kept on punching,till i couldn't feel my hands, i regained my composure when the bag fell on the ground and i saw the time showing 6 o'clock i realised that I have been punching it for one and half an hour I took the towel ,wiped my sweat and went to my room for a shower after doing my skin routine and taking shower I dressed and came downstairs for breakfast, I entered and sat between Liam and Ace.
The maids came with the food i thanked and started eating as we were eating father said "Ariel you will be going shopping with your brothers Alex l triplets ,Ace and your mother "as he finished ,I heard my mother squeal and say" yay we are going and I will finally get a chance to dress up my daughter oh how I wanted to dress up a girl and now finally my wishes are coming true you will love shopping with me honey", I look around with a horrified expression and asked Liam slowly "is she a shopping freak" he just nodded laughing, I let out a loud sigh and everyone started laughing at my expression and mother was grumbling something I couldn't figure out, the rest of the breakfast was boring they were talking about their business which they seem that I didn't understand ,but I did, not that they will know after breakfast I came into my room and dressed up took my purse and checked if everything is there or not ,including my pistol my favourite knife these are my babies I do not go anywhere without them I put some spare cash my credit cards in the purse ,secured a few more knives in my thigh holster any situation can arise anywhere.

I went downstairs and saw the younger ones sitting in the games room and mother baking something I informed mother that I am going somewhere and I will tell and if there is anything she can call me, I gave her my number and went out, today morning spencer called me saying that he with Nick and Lily have came here and all the things are shipped and the whole setup has been brought here and now I was driving to the penthouse i have here over , I went inside and the guards stopped me I opened my window and immediately they backedoff they bowed to me and opened the gate I went inside and park my car as soon as i entered the house I heard Lily screaming over Nick and Spencer shouting on those two for disturbing his sleep ,I stood there waiting for them to notice me, and on the que Spencer came out rubbing his eyes and saw me at the gate quickly he came over to me and pull me in a hug and said how much he missed me, as soon as he said my name Lily and Nick stopped fighting and ran over to me and hugged me and Nick shouted group hug and I was attacked by three monsters on the sofa with those three over me .

We started laughing after a few minutes we settled and Spencer said that he is coming after taking a shower and Lily said she is coming after doing some work I don't know what and when they both left,Nick said to me that he wanted to eat those pancakes made by me which I made for only 3 of them and they absolutely loved it.

I said "why not" and went towards the kitchen and started making the pancakes after about 20 minutes I was almost done when did 3 game in like they were in toxicated I laughed at their expressions,they sat down and I served them and took some for me also,

We started talking and Nick ask me "how is it going with your bios", I said "apart from Alex they are okay" as soon as they heard Alex's name Spencer shouted saying "I will kill that son of bitch ",I stopped him saying" leave him he is not worthy of your anger "he calmed himself down and Lily said the most expecting question" so how is it living with 7 hot boys in one house "I scoffed and said" ewww Lily they are brothers "she shrugged saying "yours not mine" I laughed at her and the rest glared,they are too protective of me and Lily, we ended our fun talks .

I said a little more serious "so how are the shipments going "Lily snickerd before saying" oh so our boss is back" I said very seriously" Lily I am not your boss you all are my family for life and partners never say that I am your boss" she raised her hand in mock surrender and said" okay okay don't get all riled up" I said "so what about the shipments and Nicholas said that the shipments have arrived,and has been taken care off",i nodded.

After some time I asked them to arrange some missions for me and some fights or race i needed to vent out my anger or else it will burst out, he nodded and i sighed finally testing my head ,Spencer came and sat beside me I kept my head on his lap he passed his fingers in my hair and said" so any problem you know you can say it to me any time ,i know something is going in this little head of yours"he chuckled i let out a loud sigh and said"just how largely my life has changed in some days itself,He nodded and kept doing it and i felt sleep take over me.

Ariel De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now