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15 years later
Ariel's p o v
I woke up in my own blood pool seeing myself as the deadliest assassin, I still cannot defend myself from David whom once I used to call 'dad' but which was before until I saw his true Colors. I stood up slightly wincing from the pain which shoot out of in my ribs I walk to my cabinet size washroom and took out the medical kit and eat two painkillers and started tending to my bruises and wounds .Once I finished, I carefully took a cold shower because, in David opinion I am not worthy for a warm shower but I take a lot at my penthouse obviously bought it  with the money I earn from my assassinations, street fighting and Street racing I got dressed in my outfit
*Picture above*
,before putting on my signature leather jacket I went out and made breakfast for him finishing I left the house leaving two lanes I went to my baby.

Once I finished, I carefully took a cold shower because, in David opinion I am not worthy for a warm shower but I take a lot at my penthouse obviously bought it  with the money I earn from my assassinations, street fighting and Street racing I got...

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I don't park in front of my house because that son of a bitch will sell it for his alcohol and drugs. I started my journey towards the hell hole oopppss ..sorry I have already graduated and have a degree in lawyer, doctor, fashion designer and business studies but I go to school for my 3 dumbass of those friends whom I love more than my life but I would not tell them ,as soon as I park my bike all stares were on me but this was nothing new for me as I was that typical bad girl of the school your parents would advice to stay away from oh shittt... I didn't introduce myself well I am Ariel Harrison I know (sucks to suck) I am basically the deadliest assassin 'The Nightangle" you see I have photographic memory there is one more of my dear friend Marco who had to leave with his parents whom I considered mine ,due to some sort of problem in their Mafia yes they are bulgarian Mafia, enough about myself let's get this day done with I whispered and entered only to be tackled on the ground by none other than three bitches I call my best friends I flip them of , stood up and smack their heads.
I know it's rude but they know me very well .

I know it's ver short but there will be an update soon
Thanks for selecting my story
~Until next time lovelies ~.

Ariel De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now