Part 20

888 19 1

Spencer's POV
In the past years ,I have saw Ariel like this many times ,more than I can count, but this time I don't know, after coming here, first thing I did was threatening the doctor not to mention about scars on her body or any other cases and told him to just focus on her surgery,which he practically had to follow as firstly we could kill him and secondly this hospital was owned by Ariel so that wasn't the issue, but what my concern for the moment was ,Aerial, but I am sure she will be alright,
All the things mentioned in previous chapter,
(P.S. the author is lazy as fuck so..)
15 hours later,
The doctor came and told that Ariel was not at all recovering seems like she has gave up on her life and slipped into coma all we can do now is pray and wait to see what future holds for her,

I have lost hope what is going to happen to her ,I cannot live without her I look around the room and everybody was a sleeping with tears on the face and tension evidence in the atmosphere, I have to let this go I'll not be able to survive I don't want to survive without her, Aerial is my lifeline she save me and I couldn't, how could I be a friend to her she considers me as a brother how could I fulfill that responsibility I have no right to stay by her I need to release this, I need this !!!I stood up when Lily said "no Spenc, you are not going to do that" I replied" I have to or I will not be able to survive anymore, please let me go Lily please" she reluctantly let go off my hand ,she too looked tired of all the situation and circumstances going on, and I went out.

Alejandro's POV
As soon as we received ariel's news we rushed to the hospital , my wife was not able to take it anymore when doctor mentioned the crucial 24 hours for my precious daughter Linda couldn't take it and fainted we carried her to have her check up and had full fate that Ariel will wake up but to our total disappointment she didn't wake up and slipped in coma which totally shook us to death ,and that piece of news was the worst one anyone could ever hear,

Everyone was here all her uncle ,aunts , cousin and her grandparents,the only one missing was Ariel's one friend I don't remember his name was missing, shrugging off we were desperately waited for Ariel to wake up.
3 hrs later,

Ariel's POV,

I feel numb, standing in between of nowhere all of my surroundings are dark, not a single ray of light and now I don't know where to go, I was struggling to find the way but no lead, suddenly there was a ray of light attracting me to itself I wanted to go there but suddenly I heard voices, voices of my family, my brother's and best friend crying for me to wake up and blaming themselves for what happened and still I don't know what to do, I wanted to tell them that it was none of them's fault in this but I am not able to and fuck that light is damn attractive so I decided to go towards it but

when I heard my grandfather's voice saying he was so sorry for all the things happened and is happening to me,he was feeling guilty for the things going on and was not able to save me,then there was a pause and after some time my brother's were saying that they have caused this condition of mine and they will not be able to live without me ,so for the sake of my family which I never thought I would have in my life but if God gave me this opportunity I will try my level best to be with them, and don't give up on me

I tried to wake, I tried and tried and suddenly I was pulled out from the dark world and open my eyes everything blurry ,I blinked my eyes to adjust to the lighting.

Ace's POV,
To say I was devastated would be an understatement, after all the things happened to my sister I blamed myself to no extent, previously I was not able to protect her as it was not in my reach but this time I was supposed to protect her not the other way round, but she did it to protect us all ,when the doctor said that she is in comma I was shattered I didn't know how much time went by ,some still were present in the room while some left for some urgent work,younger ones were slept ,alex was out of control so he was given a sedative, some where working on their phones including her bestfriends who refused to go till now we didn't had a proper introduction but we are helplessly waiting for aerial to wake up , I was engrossed in my thoughts when there was beeping sound in the machine attached to aerial and slowly she was gaining consciousness, I rushed to her side,

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