Part XII

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Darlo's POV
As soon as I got the news about my granddaughter 's arrival I called my son up ,and said"how dare you,you didn't think it was important to inform me that my star is back,how could you keep her information hidden from me,just how could you"i ended with a deep angry voice and knew by now he must be shivering,he replied stammering
"d-dad I was going to in-form you but I was just giving her some time to settle down before introducing to you all",i said "there is no need to introduce me,she very well knows me,and I am damn sure she remembers me",he said"I am not sure dad,please.... " before he could say anything further I said"no more questions or answers everyone here including your brothers and other boys are coming tomorrow to meet her"and I ended the call.My wife cried listening to the news nd asked me to take her immediately but I refused saying to wait for some time and tomorrow we will go.

Skip to meeting her;
When she called "Darly"I was over the moon i knew she remembered me she could never forget her darly i immediately hugged her tight and after some time I said to Alle"see I told you she remembers me"i told him smugly,he shaked his head at my childishness, anyone will infact because for the reputation I am known for I can go soft for only two persons in the whole world they are my wife and my granddaughter whom I love to death, it's not like I don't love my kids I do but not more than them.

When they were talking about shipments,her face was void of emotions ,but something swarmed in her eyes which surprisingly I couldn't figure out because I have the talent to tell what's going on in someone's mind by looking at their faces,she sure is hiding something,which on coming out will change many things but I don't know what,was the biggest question right now.

Alexander's POV
I refused everyone to cuddle with Ariel tonight as I wanted to do it,but couldn't muster up the courage to go , I don't know since she was gone i couldn't express like always, I saw the time and thought maybe she would be asleep and went to her room to see, her sleeping I said "I know that I have not talked nicely to you since you came,but know one thing that I love you so much and I am so glad to have you back", I felt a few of my tears fall on her hands i was holding,she suddenly opened her eyes to say I was shocked would be an under statement she said "don't worry I know you have problems expressing your emotions,and I am totally okay with it"
I thought how come a 16 year old can be so mature but seeing her and eyes stated many things we talked for like 20 minutes when I saw her getting sleepy I said,"I should get going now",she said"stay with me",no more words was needed more me I slipped under the covers and brought her close to me and cuddle her tight to my chest and fell asleep,

I was woken up by someone stirring in the bed I opened my eyes and saw a shivering aerial ,she was whispering something and felt like she was having a panic attack, i tried to wake her up but of no use, suddenly there were sweats forming on her forehead and neck and she started saying things like 'don't come near me','please i request you leave me',i was fucking confused as hell what has happened to her, I shaked her and she jolted up she was panting heavily I gave her water which she gulped down in one go, I asked her " was that a nightmare ,what happened", she kept quiet for a minute and said" nothing just casual" I was not convinced but didn't intend to push her ,she can take her time to open up to us, I saw the time indicating two in the morning I laid back with her and pulled her close and hugged her tightly after a few minutes I felt her breath even and figured she's asleep but I couldn't there was something definitely more to it, but still after wondering for about 40 minutes I fell asleep thinking 'what happened to you baby ,this was not normal or casual'.

Ariel's POV
I woke up around 8:00 a.m. and felt the other side of the bed warm, okay so Alexander  has left just a while ago I got up, and did my morning routine,ughhh i really need to go to gym ,i showered,dressed and went down,today I am starting school,i mean just why do I go there,

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