Part X

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Ariel's POV
After reaching the mansion,we called it a day and went to our respective rooms to refresh and meet at dinner,

Time skip on dinner table:
We all were seated and light conversations were going around the table ,when suddenly father clear his throat leading to a pause to everyone's conversation and all heads turned towards him when he spoke to me," so Ariel how was your shopping today" I nodded my head and said "it was nice",  he took out a box from his pocket and gave it to me and said he wanted to give it to me on my 15th Birthday but as I was not there he wants to give it to me now, when I open it I found a very beautiful ring which was a very unique design which I have not seen anywhere in all the research I have done on design, I had a genuine smile on my face and turn towards him saying" thank you very much "and smiled at him,on seeing this ,his smile grew wider as he said "no need to thank me ,baby this is all yours"

I kept the box in my pocket, as we thought it was over, father started saying again "so there is another thing I want you all to know   that ,.........somehow father has come to know that we have found our baby girl and he wants to meet her as soon as possible and so do my other brothers" my heads snap towards him as if it would broke any minute he turn towards me with the sheepish smile on his face and said" I am so sorry but he is a damn scary man and I have not in me to stop him "I just nod my head as I know that he is one of the most feared x-Mafia leader who now also, had the intimidating aura around him that would make enemies pee in their pants and no one would ignore his beautiful wife who not to mention is a very scary lady and an assassin ,she was well known in the Underworld,and all respect her with all they have in them,  I was in a deep thought because how will I react meeting them.

I was brought out of my thoughts when father told " okay no need to worry about that now first eat "I nodded and resumed eating,
After that it happened like usual we all went to our respective rooms and same like the previous day Ace came and ask to sleep with me and when I ask that today he didn't watch a horror movie he rubbed the back of his neck and said that he wanted to sleep with me, I fell for his cute face and i slept in his embrace which felt safe .

Time skip to morning 6:30
I woke up with the sound of flashes it felt like deja vu and again I heard  Liam saying why does he get to sleep with her everyday and this time Ace woke up before me and I pretended sleeping ,he said because" she consider me as her favourite and you all are the second options "I wanted to smile so badly but again heard Leo winning that "we never gets to sleep with her" I thought enough drama and woke up and kicked them out of my room like the previous day including Ace. I showered and went down to have breakfast,in the middle of light conversations I asked"so what time are they coming",mother said"around 9'o clock"i nodded and said "i am going to my friends house, will be back before 9"they seemed hesitant but knew very well that if they stop me I am not going to listen to them so better not do it,

I took my bike and went to the penthouse after reaching, opening the door no one was there , confusingly i went to their rooms and saw them sleeping,first i thought to wake them up but then I remembered that they stayed up late last night to receive the shipments in my absence,so to surprise them, i made them breakfast and as I was about to finish three of them came out of their room yawning,and seeing me first Lily came and side hugged me sitting and waiting for us,then came Nick doing the same but when Spenc came he grabbed me in a hug tightly lifting me from the ground i laughed lightly and seated in my seat ,we all started eating when I was sure they were awake I cleared my throat and said "so something happened" Nick's head snapped towards me before asking "what the hell did they did to you A",i sighed at their overprotectiveness and ws about to say when spenc said "i will kill each of them if they lay a hand on you,you already have suffered enough ",and Lily continued which i was well expecting after those two reactions said"handsome or not I will not think twice before killing them" this earned both a nod and a groan you know for what.

I cleared my throat and said"so father said that my cousin, uncle all the other family including my grandfather and grandmother the famous underground couple which everyone fears till now",i completed and saw them looking at me with shocks plastered on their faces when Lily said "so that means more hot boys to ogle on"again a few curses were heard under their breathes,i asked Nick to "Nick give me some missions or i will go mad",he nodded and send me the details on my cell.
First was,
Maurison dravis
Age 38
Wants dead for abusing his own wife and daughter who is 5 years old
and has raped over 19 girls in age between 3 to 12.
Amount 50 millions
I would have killed him even if I was offered nothing,

Amount 50 millionsI would have killed him even if I was offered nothing,

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^^her dress

It was currently 5 pm i dressed and hacked his location ,ohhh so he is at Sunday's one of my clubs ,i left for the club upon reaching i sat infront of the bar and ordered 5 shots of tequila and searched for my target and saw him sitting in the VIP section surrounded by 4 girls ,just only after a few seconds he made an eye contact with me and i send him a wink and maintaining eye contact gulped down 2 shots ,i don't get drunken easily,he came towards me and said to the bartender "same as the lady",i turned towards him and he said,"so what is a beautiful girl doing here all alone,want to have some fun", I smirked internally as my plan was working,but again problems doesn't seem to leave me and I saw Alex entering the club with 3 other boys, I couldn't see their faces but I knew that I had to hurry up because there was a high chance to get caught,

I told him" why not "and right at the moment i felt his filthy hand on my waist and other going up to my thigh as i felt it going up , I put my hand on his and said "not here ,let's go to somewhere private "he replied "why not, I also want you all to myself i have a room up there",i nodded and downed my remaining shots and followed him,as we reached the room he locked it and started taking his clothes off i didn't stop him as he was making my work easier he removed his shirt and pants and that was my que i took out my gun and shot him on his left leg ,i knew I had to hurry up and leave as it was already 8 ,

he turned towards me shockingly and said "you bitch waid and see what I do to you", I laughed and took out my knife and made my way towards him I bought  the knife slowly from his chest towards his face and neck in between and started cutting while he was screaming, which was music to my ears I wanted to do more but... shit ...I didn't have time I slit his throat and planted a bullet on his forehead right between his eyes I looked at my piece of artwork and proudly took a photo,  not before leaving my symbol to show that he was killed by the 'NightAngle' my symbol consisted of a feather of nightangle,  painted in pure black and splashes of pure blood I know a bit sadistic but I really don't care as long as people are scared of me,
after sending the photo I received the amount and I went back to the penthouse to change into something presentable as I knew they would be there by now as it was 9:30 currently but do I care.. no ,but surely I wanted to meet grandfather and grandmother as they were my idols ,after changing I took my bike and went back to the mansion.

 no ,but surely I wanted to meet grandfather and grandmother as they were my idols ,after changing I took my bike and went back to the mansion

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^^her clothes after changing.

Ariel De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now