Part IV

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alejandro pov
We took our SUV and went towards the airport, taking our private jet we flew to California upon reaching we went straight to the school mentioned in the document send by the SSA On the jet,

Alexander asked me the question which I was dreading inside my heart "Papà will she like us"i just smiled and shrugged .As soon as we reached school we went to the reception "we would like to meet Mr.Hagrid"

The receptionist looked at me with lustful eyes, I just glared at her and she was scared I smirked in satisfaction and she stuttered "m-may i-i have y-your n-ame pls-s"xan said "Mr. de Luca "her eyes widened in fear she just stood up and guided us towards the office"this way pls" we followed her ,soon we were greeted by mr.hagrid.

he said "you must be Ariel's father" I just nodded and sat infront of him .He made an announcement "ARIEL HARRISON REPORT TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE I REPEAT ARIEL HARRISON REPORT TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE" he turned towards us when we asked "so tell me something about my daughter" ,he sighed as he started saying about all her mischief and how she has saved people from getting bullied and how the 4 devils has full control over the school,as we were about to ask who are those other 3 there was a loud bang and a girl kicked the door open as I examined her I found the similarities between us ,her leather jacket ,was similar to her brothers but the thing that confused me was that when she was kidnapped she was so cheerful and now she has transformed so much she was radiating a powerful aura and was very intimidating ,she went passing through us and took a look at us and went to sit in front of the principal, and as soon as he said she raised her legs on top of the table and smirked at the principal who was looking at her from done face .

she started speaking her voice was cold as ice and her face was emotionless I just wondered why ,she said"Wassup Harry, what did I did to owe the pleasure to see you ,is it because of the beating of the jocks or pranking the teachers or is it because scratching the Bitchney's car see they were being rude and I didn't start it"

i almost laughed at it she rambled, the principal said "I have a news for you" she set up straight and said" no don't look at me with that face "and that's when I took a look at the principle as he was looking at her with pity in his eyes,

The principle continued" I'm sorry but Mr and Mrs Harrison have passed away in a car accident yesterday night ."As soon as he mentioned them one could see my knuckles turn white but to my surprise she stayed cold and emotionaless before waiting for one second she replied and said" so am I going to foster care again where is the special services agent"

Mr hagrid's eyes shined as if he was the most happy man on the planet Earth said" no there is no need for that because they did a DNA test in their system and your father and brother is here to take you" ,she looked shocked for a second wich I would have been missed if I had blinked my eyes,

she looked towards the people who entered after her ,while one just passed a smile to her my blood boiled ,and had so many questions like what if he is her boyfriend I could not imagine my bambina with a boy when I just got her.
she just stared at him for a brief second before saying "you are messing with me Harry aren't you" he gathered all his courage and said" no a-aerial your f-father and b-brother is here to take y-you with t-them" he stuttered,

She turned around and took a minute to analyse us not gone a lie she was a little bit intimidating and if I was not a mafia leader I would definitely have he peed in my pants, I was having tears in my eyes but I pushed it back,

I looked towards Mr Hagrid when he said" Mr de luca the paper process is over you can proceed, she is scoffed and yelled "what the fuck" there was a flash of hurt in our eyes but we quickly covered it up, she went towards those three and there was some whispering which I couldn't figure it out ,then I saw the two boys hugging her I have fire in my eyes ,sooner the girl join them .
she turn back and her face was more cold and emotionless she came towards us and ask" where are moving "I replied "honey we are moving to Italy ,by the way I am your father Allejandro de luca and this is your oldest brother Alexander "she just nod her head at us and turned around to leave the office .

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