Part VII

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Alexander's POV
When I saw my little star amazed me, she sat in the principal's office like she owned it as a true de luca she had a deadly aura surrounding her,i looked at her eyes and it seemed lifeless not as i remembered,i worry what has happened with my sister.

Matteo's POV
When papà announced that my bambina is found and she is returning back my happiness knew no bounds,but when I saw her i knew something has happened with her she is not her usual self,but I will make her i will give all the love she has missed.

L triplets POV
We are so happy that she is back, they didn't remember much about her but they were happy to finally have a small sister to love and spoil rotten.

Ace's POV
When I heard from papa that she is coming back I was so happy and excited everyone in this family somewhat have believed that she is dead but I knew being her twin, that nothing has happened to her she is alive I also wanted to go with them to pick her up but they didn't take me I waited for her and arranged her room I knew that she would not like those girly things soon when she came she was very different from what I expected when she was greeting everybody more like nodding I noticed her coldness towards everybody, but as soon as she saw me and the things she said I was beyond happy I went towards her asking for a hug and she nodded ,I was so happy to finally have my sister back .I saw a smallest smile on your face which made my smile even bigger she asked someone to show her room I immediately said I will and I was glad that she liked it. But in between all this I knew that something major has happened with her I shrugged off the feeling and happily went to my room I didn't knew when I was this happy last time in my life I am so glad to have her back.

Allejandro's POV
Bringing her back to the home I could feel my wife tearing up and my sons looking at her with so much adoration, one by one everybody introduced themselves ,I know Alex was very rude but he changed completely when Ariel was taken as he was her best friend and as per 1 year aerial her best brother so he was scared of losing her again but he should not be this rude I love how Ace opened up he does not like it but with his twin it was natural overall it was very good,as she entered our lives the sunshine of our life has returned.

Linda's POV
I was so happy when I heard that my baby is coming back I also wanted to go with alle(short of Allejandro) but they said it is dangerous for everybody to go so I accepted it, when they left I was over cloud 9, I was missing her so badly when she came she was cold As ice I wonder what happened with my baby, she greeted everybody with coldness but when she saw me her eyes softened i wrapped her in a hug and let her feel a mother's warmth, I was separated from her by my husband as he told the boys to introduce themselves, when at the dining table Alex insulted her I was fuming with anger when she left I shouted at him saying is this the thing I taught h but I was so happy at my baby back.

Thanku so much for waiting
Hope you enjoyed it
I know Ace POV is a bit long than others but twin gets the power,and the missing pov will soon be given which is obviously Alex's
Till then keep supporting and most importantly be happy and keep smiling
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