Part 17

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Ariel's POV
I took a shower and dressed into this ,

and went down to grab breakfast as today I was damn late for school probably half day is over ,but do I care, nahhh never, should I still go yeahh probably because for now I don't have anything else to do ,sighing not ready to face another shitful...

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and went down to grab breakfast as today I was damn late for school probably half day is over ,but do I care, nahhh never, should I still go yeahh probably because for now I don't have anything else to do ,sighing not ready to face another shitful day , I picked my bag and headed out, why do I need to go to this fucking school I am already graduated,
But this you haven't told your family have you
My concise mocked,i huffed in annoyance and played the song unstoppable and started singing with it,

All smiles, I know what it takes to fool this town
I'll do it 'til the sun goes down
And all through the nighttime
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah, I'll tell you what you wanna hear
Leave my sunglasses on while I shed a tear
It's never the right time
Yeah, yeah
I put my armor on, show you how strong I am
I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no brakes
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
My car abruptly took a pause and it shut down , I climbed out of it and checked to see what's wrong and it was not starting, frustratingly I was going to call Nick to send another car but a car halted before me and the glasses went down ,a boy was sitting there,his shades on ,dude you need help you are wearing shades sitting inside the car,
As if you don't
Many times

My fight with my concise was broken by the throat clearing of this particar strikingly handsome Greek god,
Wait were did that come from
I asked the boy"yah mister do you need anything",he replied in his deep voice ,"no just saw your car parked abruptly and you standing annoyed so thought you might need help I study in the same school and it is still far so if you want ",he said, I guess it was hot
Seriously hot
I nodded and sit not before taking my things and securing my guns and everything, what, heard of precaution is better than cure ,it has been 5 minutes till nobody spoke so I decided to ask"so..., it's already late why are you not in the school"he glanced at me and back at the road without saying anything,rude much further I didn't say anything and called Spencer ,"hey Spenc,my car has stopped somewhere in schools way have someone get it and have it repaired",he replied with an ok and it will be done, I saw that the school as arrived I was going out but stopped he looked at me curiously and I asked "by the way I didn't got your name"he said,"Arnold"

nice name I thought,nodded and went out ,heading to cafeteria I met Lily and went to their table as I just had food I was not hungry, chit-chatting for a while I headed towards my class which is AP Maths which probably is my speciality, I sat at the last bench and plugged in my ear pods listening to Eminem, my favourite, seriously have you heard him, I was sitting peacefully until I was disturbed by this so called teacher he tapped on my desk I raised my head and eyebrows indicating him to continue, arrogantly he said" so miss why aren't you paying attention in my class, if you think you know everything,

Then solve the question on the board I took a glance at the question and it was easy for me but according to the current level it would be difficult for others, I looked at the teacher he was smirking thinking he has won, I smirked back and didn't say anything,his smirk grew wider thinking I absolutely don't know the answer, I took my bag and while going out I wrote the answer on the board and heard gasps indicating it was correct ,

I went out and saw Spenc standing in his class's doorway, I knew he definitely instigated the teacher we both grined looking at each other and he asked Dunkin' I nodded and we went out ,his car pulled up and we ordered for ourselves and I also ordered for the rest including my brothers and started eating he said,"so how is everything going didn't get to ask in a long time", I said,"not bad they are trying very hard ,but I don't know what to do ,you know they abandoned me,due to which I had to face so much"I sighed defeatedly but he held my hands and said,"you know A every coin has two sides maybe you are missing something,like if they actually wanted to abandon you why in the first place would they take you in you should think about that and give them a chance,but that is what I think I am not forcing you to anything you don't want", I nodded in understanding and asked "what about that girl we rescued earlier totally forgot about her,"he replied"oh she wanted to go to London for studies so I made the arrangements"I said good job and we went back to school ,upon reaching we saw everyone in the parking , I got out with Spenc from the driving seat ,all my brothers glared at him intensely ,

Leo in an intimidating voice which let me say I didn't expect at all but what can we expect after all he is also an assassin asked ,"where did you go with my baby sister Spencer", I saw Spenc shivering,but he held himself and said,"don't worry man we went to Dunkin'and brought you all some ,and don't worry at all A is like my sister nothing else", I saw Leo and all other sigh in relief when Spenc mentioned me as his sister ,we all were standing in silence until Lucas decided to shout,"WHERE ARE MY DOUGHNUTS GIVE ME I AM SO HUNGRYYYYY!!!!!"he extended the hungry so much we all broke into fits of laughters we gave them their and sit on the car trunk to have it ,we saw their friends coming out way I noticed it was now 4 of them when Lily said something and I looked at her way,and we heard Ace saying,"hey come we are having doughnuts "and Lucas called me I looked at him before looking at the new arrivals i waved my hands for Ross,Joey and Chandler but looking at the fourth boy I immediately recognised him ,he was the car guy what was his name yes , Arnold, I said "hey Arnold,what are you doing here "

Ace asked "how do you know him", I replied,"ohh that,in the morning my car broke in the middle of the way so he gave me a lift",he nodded and I felt a strong gaze on me turning I saw Arnold looking at me with some emotions I cannot decipher,shrugging the thoughts,we all went towards our own homes .

So love interest already introduced...........❤️

Ariel De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now