Part XI

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Ariel's POV
I park my bike and saw the time it was currently 9:35 and I saw many black SUVs standing outside the mansion, I came to the conclusion that they have arrived I took my phone and saw plenty of misscalls from each of the boys and mother ,I went inside and heard a authorising voice screaming saying "where is my grandaughter and how dare you hide it from me ",it was a feminine voice and many other voices saying"ma is right, how could you hide her coming from us bro"  I suddenly knew that it was my grandmother

I entered the hall and the shouting stopped all turn towards me and father asked "where were you ",I held my cold gaze  and said "out  "he sighed but didn't said anything further, and soon like the first day I was engulfed in a warm hug by none other than my grandmother I hugged her back and then as she pulled back I was again brought into a hug by 3 over enthusiastic ladies in which one of them said" it's so good to see you dear ,finally after all those years a girl is in the house apart from us", and the rest of the two nodded that's when I notice there were three of my uncles and their wifes and upon counting I widened my eyes ,Holy...... shit 14 more brothers, I heard suppressed laughter around me, oh I said it loud that's when I saw ,the famous ex mafia king Darlo de luca ,he was looking at me which with such an intense gaze and came towards me I look that him with the same or rather more intense the most I had in myself he look the same he is dam good at covering up emotions I remember him as a remember this house which was once my home and he was my favourite person 'darly' as I used to call him

he came in front of me and stick out his hands ,I was a little bit disappointed but never showed it I gave my hand in his and did a firm handshake and soon he pulled me in a hug and gasps were heard when one of the unfamiliar voice said "damn grandpa is smiling "and he whispered in my ears saying"oh you don't know how much I missed you I should have searched more", I then and there melted in his hug and whispered back" I know Darly I know and I missed you so much" , he pulled back in an instance and said" you remember me" I smiled wide and said "yes I do darly" and he pulled me back in a hug ,that's when Liam said "this is unfair grandpa you never hug or  smiled at us nor did you sister "I turned around but didn't bother to put the cold face again as for some unknown reason I didn't wanted to, dally said to Liam"and to answer your question you all ain't her",he gasped loudly and grandpa again said 

"come on everyone introduce yourself,ok so starting with me as you already know I am Darlo your grandfather this is rose your grandmother "then a man came and said" hi baby I am Vincent this is my wife Sophia ,boys introduce yourself" and the marathon started so I came to know that I have three uncles starting with' uncle Vincent her wife Sophia' and their children Giovanni, Antonio ,Mario and Marco ( twins )my second uncle was uncle Roberto her wife Gloria and their children Carter ,Allesio and ash( twins) Damon, Damien and Devon (triplets) third was uncle Tristan her wife Beatrice and their children Roman ,Will Xander and Xavier, finally after the long introduction section session we all went to a different dining room for dinner everybody was seeded grandpa on the head and the four mens to an each side of his dinner was served and as usual we  started eating when father said in Italian and as usual I pretended not to understand anything,"quindi nessuno dirà niente di mafia in inglese se vuoi dire qualcosa dillo in italiano"

"so no one will say anything about mafia in English if you want to say anything say in Italian"
The boys replied with ok and the uncles asked "quando glielo dirai, non andrà bene se lei verrà a saperlo dall'esterno"

when are you going to tell her about it ,it will not be good if she comes to know about this from outside
Father nodded and said"lo so ma voglio darle il tempo di sistemarsi prima di farglielo sapere, e inoltre cosa penserà di noi dopo aver saputo di questo"

i know it but I want to give her time to settle down before busting this to her,and moreover what w8ll she think about us after learning about this
upon listening to this I thought what will they think after learning about me,

I was brought out of my thoughts when darly asked"Ariel don't you feel what they are talking if you can't understand it"I shrugged before saying"I have promised to give them privacy as they are giving mine so I have no right to ask what they are talking" hurt expression were seen but it is what it is, the dinner resumed after about 20 minutes, Matteo sitting on my right said in hushed voice "what happened baby why are you not eating" and I came to the realisation that since the convo ended I have not touched my plate ,conversations around the table died and all heads turned towards me ,when grandpa asked what happened bambola,
I said "nothing , I don't quite have an appetite " I got up to bid everybody good night when Will ask me" Ariel are you sleepy"  I said "no, not quite sleepy" he smiled and said "good so we all brothers and sister are watching a movie tonight", I nodded my head and everybody finished their dinner and we all went to the cinema room ,after taking the seats there was the problem to what movie we should watch ,deciding to watch The grudge and again they thought that they could scare me I have watched it like 2 to 3 times and was chill watching it while on the other hand the boys wear screaming  in a shrill voice the boys sitting intact  was Alexander ,matteo , Giovanni, Carter rest everybody was hugging each other to death grip being afraid like are these the same mafia members who are known for the torture they do.............
the movie ended and I stretched my hands and involuntarily let out a small yawn and awes were  heard ,i awkwardly smiled and  Roman asked "aren't you scared" I shrug saying "no that was fun "intentionally putting a force on the word 'fun' and the M-twins, D- triplets, will and A-twins shouted"fun, are you serious Ariel,like what",i shrugged and got up to went to my room when Ace stood up and Leo shouted "oh hell nahhh", and on the que Liam and Lucas all stood up with matteo as Ace already got two chances to cuddle with me so now they want to, suddenly Alexander stood up with his cool gaze and said" no one will cuddle with her everyone get back to your rooms ",everyone wanted to protest but one deadly look from his eyes and everyone backedoff I shrugged and went to my room after changing into my PJs I get under the covers but I was not able to sleep and welcome the nightmares after about 5 minutes I felt someone enter my room, I pretended to sleep and heard Alexander speaking "I know that I have not talked nicely to you since you came,but know one thing that I love you so much and I am so glad to have you back",i felt some tear drops on my hands he was holding,i opened my eyes and said,"don't worry I know you have problems expressing your emotions,and I am totally okay with it"I was engulfed in a tight hug and after talking for about 20 minutes, Alexander said"I should get going now",i said"stay with me",no more words was needed he slipped under the covers and brought me close to him and cuddle me tight to his chest I felt safe and i felt my walls breaking around them which i didn't know is a good or a bad thing i shrugged off the panaroid finally let sleep overcome me with the hope that no nightmares will be there.

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